Plugin: Note Link System


All features can be turn on/off.

Main Feature 1: Referrers

  • Show referrer list on panel or markdown view(auto or manually)
  • Display reference's detail of every referrer
  • Show referrer of every element with id
  • Jump and scroll to reference

Main Feature 2: Quick Link

This feature helps you make quick link to note or element with id, and auto select title text so you can updated it.

Main Feature 3: Quick Copy Element URL

Left click will copy title + url; Right click is for url only.

Main Feature 4: Preview local/remote URL

Main Feature 5: Set Id for text to make it as link target

Main Feature 6: Show website icon for url


Basically, this plugin is inspired by:


  • Style beautifying
  • Support Quick Link to current note
  • Support finding self-reference
  • An Outlink panel to show links(to other Joplin note or Web page) in current note.
  • ...

Any PR / Issue / Discussion is welcome!


This is a great initiative! I'm trying this out right now :wink:

Wow, if you know CSS, maybe you can contribute some CSS code? If you're interested, you can start from panel's style: joplin-plugin-note-link-system/style.css at main · ylc395/joplin-plugin-note-link-system · GitHub


Damn, I forgot that I had an unsolved problem with npm on this computer (which has nothing to do with your plugin). When do you plan to publish it in the repo?

For CSS, I don't know much about it unfortunately but maybe others who experiment with CSS in Joplin will be interested (@Nacandev - @BeatLink - @andrejilderda).

For the features, what you describe is already very good. In the same way, one could imagine to display the "tags" of the note as backlinks context. In a Zettlekasten-like approach this would be very practical. Same for datation informations. Moreover, I'm using more and more todo in Joplin and I would like to be able to exclude completed todo from backlinks. I want to say in an automatic way and not only by having to add one by one these to the list of ignored files.
Anyway, it's really a very interesting plugin proposal you're making here!

In this plguin, you can filter referrers by Joplin searching filter.

BTW, you remind me that a config option about what information should be displayed as referrer title will be useful.

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That’s great ! Let me know when you have pushed the plugin into the repository :wink:

This plugin has been released

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Really like your Quick Link feature but i don't want to install any of the others features :thinking:.

All Feature can be turn on/off.

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Hi @ylc395

After a first quick test, I have to say that I'm missing a very useful feature in the "backlinks" plugin, that of being able to exclude certain notes/todo from the backlinks (note "overview", todo completed, etc). I also think that since the plugin panel aggregates different data, it could also contain a table of contents of the current note :thinking:

It also seems to me that it could be interesting that backlinks to notes and backlinks to todo don't have the same color (or font).

For the rest, it seems to work very well. It is excellent!

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You can set this plugin like this:

Exclude note named "note overview" should be like: $noteId -title:"note overview"

I don't get it. Why should this plugin contain TOC? It doesn't matter with link system

Maybe I can add some related infomation in DOM so you can use userstyle.css to control their appearence.

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Okay, I understand better how to use it. I think with dozens of notes to exclude it might be tricky in the long run. But I'll give it a try.

Yes you are right, it is not directly related. With the multiplication of plugins we start to have a large number of panels. I just find it interesting to group features in the same panel. It's easier to make visible/non-visible. And then I read that you plan to allow to see internal links to the current note... what a table of contents is. But I understand that you imagine another use.

Yes, it would be enough to play on the appearance.

Another use I thought of would be to display the bibliographic references linked to a note. The bibtex plugin allows you to work with a .bib file to insert references in a text written with Joplin. I think Obsidian allows something like that.

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This plugin doesn't aim for academic usage. Anyway, if you see any interesting features about note linking in other note app, it would be appreciated to introduce them to me

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I love this system already! This has replaced the intended plugins with additional functionality. Thank you so much!

It is clear.

On the side of the other applications that I could use or test I saw interesting things:

  • the possibility to display the notes linked by a tag on demand by clicking on the tag below the title.
  • in addition to the headers, the possibility to link to a text or code block.
  • the "Unlinked mentions" section --» you can see where the name of the note gets mentioned, but not explicitly linked (in other words, mentioned without the square brackets).

That's what comes to mind but I'm thinking about it a bit more...

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Very nice, thanks for your work! For me this finally makes it possible to build my own note-orders on note-level and therefore helps to use Joplin as a Zettelkasten. (What would make a good zettelkasten plugin?) Especially the "Deep-Backlinks" with the highlighting after the jump into the link-source is very usefull.

Only downside for me so far: quicklink doesn't work with spaces in between the query, as the original quicklink plugin does. Also i can't get the original quicklink plugin to work again, although i disabled the feature in the new plugin.

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upgrade to 0.0.4. These two problems have been solved.


Thanks for the quick update! While using the plugin, i started to dream, that these features would be great too:

  • Quicklink feature for creating new note/task should stay visible, although when it found corresponding notes.
  • Quicklink should integrate results not only from title-search. Maybe this is beyond the scope, but something like the results from Ctrl-P "Go To" would be handy, to quickly discover link-possibilities.

One question: should new note/task be placed on the top or bottom of list? Both choice has its own inconvenience for users, so I decided not to make new item visible always.

You can set this config item. Just leave it as $keyword, for your case.