Joplin support Paragraph, Element IDs?

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: a7cef60559ec44699d797575d20eed1e
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 47
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: 598677b

AlertsPerfect: 1.0.1
Backup: 1.4.1
Edge URL to Markdown Link: 1.0.0
Extra markdown editor settings: 1.2.1
Inline TODO: 1.7.1
Link Graph UI: 1.5.0
Markdown Prettier: 0.1.0
Menu items, Shortcuts, Toolbar icons: 1.1.0
Metis: 0.1.5
Note Link System: 0.8.0
Outline: 1.5.13
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Rich Markdown: 0.15.0
Spoilers: 1.0.6
Table Formatter Plugin: 1.2.1

Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

does Joplin support Paragraph, Element IDs as I can assume based on Can Anchors Link Within A Single Note?.
I don't understand if Plugin: Note Link System creates them, or simply reuse a default Joplin feature?

Main Feature 5: Set Id for text to make it as link target
