Plugin: Recent notes, shortcuts, scratchpad, and .... in a single sidebar


I would like to share my new Joplin plugin here. It is DDDot (...) . It is a Joplin plugin to provide a set of tools like recent notes, shortcuts, scratchpad, and .... in a single sidebar.

Main Features:

  1. Recent Notes - Show recently opened notes
  2. Shortcuts - A bookmark of faviour notes
  3. Scratchpad - An area to write anything when you got an inspiration but don't want to bother to find the right note to insert.
  4. Backlinks - Show the backlink of the currently selected note


Minor features

  • Support to enable/disable an individual tool
  • Support changing the tool order by drag and drop


  1. Open "Preference" / "Options" in Joplin
  2. Select "Plugins"
  3. Search "DDDot"
  4. Press "Install"

Project Site (with user guide)

Useful Joplin Tool


Hi @benlau

I just tested your plugin. It's useful and I particularly like the scratchpad idea. Some suggestions:

  • add the possibility to rename the headlines of the panel
  • add the possibility to set the number of recent notes displayed in the panel
  • add the possibility to keep searches in the "shortcuts" (like the "favorites" plugin).

Thanks for your efforts.
Have a nice evening.


hi @bepolymathe

add the possibility to rename the headlines of the panel

Why it need to rename the headlines...?

add the possibility to set the number of recent notes displayed in the panel

Just released 0.1.1 and this feature is available now :slight_smile:

add the possibility to keep searches in the "shortcuts" (like the "favorites" plugin).

If I understand correctly, the "favorites" plugin's search is, in fact, a button to paste the content to the clipboard, and the user needs to paste it directly. Is it correct? Does it really useful..?

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@benlau, thank you for the update.

A method of adding Notebooks to Shortcuts might be very useful? For pinning a current project, Inbox, etc.

@bepolymathe, this is a way to add searches to Shortcuts, using the Embed Search plugin

Create notes for the searches you want using the Embed Plugin, and then just drag the notes to Shortcuts.

Here are a couple of examples, with the Note Title, followed by note contents, the contents being the search instruction. This will show the search results in the rendered view of the note. Hope it helps.

:mag: Recently Created


:mag: To Dos



good suggestion. Let's me add to the pending the feature lists

Create notes for the searches you want using the Embed Plugin, and then just drag the notes to Shortcuts.

wow. I like this idea!!!! It is flexible and powerful.


Hi @benlau

Just to have them in my own language...

Great ! Thanks.

@johano has provided an excellent response. I hadn't thought of doing that. Thank you.

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I would also like to take this opportunity to suggest another possible improvement. It would be great to be able to distinguish in the backlinks the notes and the todo differently. With something visual :thinking:

And maybe a option for a shortcut would be useful ! :wink:

What is your native language? I think I could add a translation engine.

I would also like to take this opportunity to suggest another possible improvement. It would be great to be able to distinguish in the backlinks the notes and the todo differently. With something visual :thinking:

Add a checkbox at the beginning of the link?

A check box at the beginning, would be very helpful

I'am for that too :smiley:

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Hi @benlau

Another idea came to me today while using my laptop. On a smaller screen I tend to group the tools in one bar. If I put this plugin on top of the notes list (for example) it only takes up half the height. In this case, it would be handy to be able to expand/collapse the 4 headlines on click to save space without having to disable something.


well. That is what I am going to do on next release (before adding a new tool) :wink:


Great :smiley:

Hi @benlau

After some time of use, I am very happy with this plugin. One last thing I miss concerning backlinks: the possibility to exclude (black list) some of the backlinks. When you use overview notes or the history plugin they keep coming back in the backlinks without being necessary.

If you have the time, that would be great. Thanks for your efforts.

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Could you help to provide the translation of following items?

Recent Notes

I will implement it on next release.

After some time of use, I am very happy with this plugin. One last thing I miss concerning backlinks: the possibility to exclude (black list) some of the backlinks. When you use overview notes or the history plugin they keep coming back in the backlinks without being necessary.

It is glad to hear that :slight_smile:

How about using a "tag" (e.g "ignored" or any tag name you like) to filter out those note?

I would also like to take this opportunity to suggest another possible improvement. It would be great to be able to distinguish in the backlinks the notes and the todo differently. With something visual :thinking:

On next release, it will have a checkbox before the name of the todo note.

Hi @benlau

Thanks for replies. For translation:

Backlinks --» liens retour
Scratchpad --» bloc-notes
Shortcuts --» raccourcis
Recent notes --» notes récentes

Would be great !

Super, thanks !

"Notes liées" ou "Notes référencées" serait peut-être plus parlant.
"Liens retour" fait un peu penser à "Retourner à la note précédente".


Yes it's true that we could discuss the translation of "backlinks". In English there is the idea of going back to a source and not going to a reference.

In addition it is not necessarily notes that are linked but also todos.

Would "retroliens" (I saw in another application) be clearer to you?

Yes, "Rétroliens" is a good alternative.