The reasons why I chose Joplin as my note-taking tool and VSCode as my editor have been explained very clearly in Future of Joplin. I'd like to share my toolchain for editing markdown using VSCode and what exactly it solves for Joplin.
Note: It is important to be open source, platform agnostic and easy to migrate based on markdown, because no one knows which note taking tool is the ultimate winner, if not the right one, then at least easy to migrate.
Let's start with a short list of my note-related plugins, all of which perform a specific function and can be combined.
Markdown All in One: Markdown language support
markdown lint: Markdown linter tool
Prettier: Multilingual formatting tool, very good support for markdown.
PicGo: Image Upload (this is a third-party program)
Markdown PDF: Markdown Export PDF
- Integration: Flowchart Integration
Markdown Preview Mermaid Support: Mermaid Support Flowchart DSL, but is better.
vscode-mindmap: Mind Map Integration
Local History: Local History
Code Spell Checker: Word Spell Checker
joplin-vscode-plugin: joplin Notes Integration
You may have noticed that some of these plugins have nothing to do with markdown, but they are still important for editors, e.g., the spell-checking functionality that Joplin implemented recently (v1.4.*) is already available in the existing VSCode plugin.
The problems solved by these plugins I also submitted at Differences between joplin and editors like vscode, so I won't repeat them here.
Problems Solved
I've briefly browsed through the last two weeks of Joplin posts, and the following problems seem to have been solved/implemented in VSCode
Please add an easy to access markdowns: Quick Add List
Markdown keyboard shortcuts: markdown keyboard shortcuts support
Duplicate line command: copy and paste to next line
Please auto replace to Bullet/Number/Checkbox list: checkbox-list/12319): Also quick to add lists
Auto attach images as resources after external editor: External editor for pasting images supports Joplin.
Integration of PlantUML: PlantUML Integration
Find and Replace: Find and Replace Support
Making Joplin recognise YAML front matter: markdown yaml metadata support
Plugin: Note Tabs: Multi-Tab Support
Option to show line numbers in editor: show line numbers
Incomplete TOC sidebar: outline support
Feature request: Folding sections of text: Code Block Folding