What features did you like in 2023 and what do you want to see in 2024?

To shorten it, set Note Tabs height (px) to the desired tab height: let's say 30px. Then, add this CSS to userchrome.css:

.rli-plugin-view-joplin\.plugin\.note\.tabs-note\.tabs\.panel {
  min-height: 35px !important;
  height: 35px !important;

.rli-plugin-view-joplin\.plugin\.note\.tabs-note\.tabs\.panel > div {
  height: 30px !important;

.rli-plugin-view-joplin\.plugin\.note\.tabs-note\.tabs\.panel > div:nth-child(2) > div {
  top: 30px !important;

As shown above, use heights 5px taller than the tab height for the first rule. These prevent the editor from overlapping the note tabs container.

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Thank you so much for this. It worked like a charm!

Publish to Join Cloud from mobile would be great too

Don't want to sidetrack this thread for too long, but you should try the DDDot plugin. Has favourites, recent note history (which for me is often serves the exact same purpose as note tabs - depends how many other notes you open between the important ones) and other useful bits all in a hideable sidebar

New user and Cloud Pro subscriber here, and loving it. I'm really accustomed to using the iOS Share Sheet to send things to various apps, so I'd love to see that implemented for Joplin.

Wow, DDDot is great! Basically, combining DDDot and "Control+P" for searches, I could keep the stock side panels almost always collapsed. Also, I've set DDDot to collapse with F9, so it's only one shortcut, instead of two, to go to full editing view and back. Only the sync info would be missing from the view.
Only thing is... do you know a CSS code to force the width of the DDDot panel? It does not seem to remember the user settings when toggled back on after a collapse, which is unfortunate.

I've tried the following without success:

.resizableLayoutItem.rli-plugin-view-joplin-plugin-dddot-dddot\.panel {
    max-width: 250px !important;
    width: 250px !important;

Try this CSS to force a maximum panel width:

#plugin-view-joplin-plugin-dddot-dddot\.panel {
  max-width: 250px !important;
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Nope, sadly I can't get this to work. I've got close with this code:

#plugin-view-joplin-plugin-dddot-dddot\.panel {
  max-width: 250px !important;
  position: absolute !important;
 right: 0px!important;


.resizableLayoutItem.rli-plugin-view-joplin-plugin-dddot-dddot\.panel .sc-cwHptR.DnUmE {
 max-width: 250px !important;
 position: absolute !important;
 right: 0px!important;

But there is now some empty space between the editor and the plugin interface. Meaning that the plugin is stored in some sort of div that I can't quite figure out how to style?

This general bug has an open Github issue: Panel width for plugins do not persist · Issue #5634 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

For now, here's a workaround that doesn't require custom CSS. Move any plugin you want to preserve the panel width of left of the editor, as described and shown in this Github issue: Outline width is reset after toggling off and on · Issue #33 · cqroot/joplin-outline · GitHub

For you specifically, comment out the above Note Tabs plugin CSS and restart Joplin before moving plugins left of the editor. Not doing so can create unexpected whitespace when moving plugins. You can uncomment it after plugins are moved.


Alright that did the trick. I'm gutted that I cannot keep the panel to the right of the editor though, as there is already so much going on on the left, and also keeping one more panel on the left means pushing the editor view even more to the far right of the monitor which is probably not ideal for my neck... but hey ho! Perhaps, also, the plugin should initiate by displaying itself already on the left side after the first install just to clear up some confusion?

Anyway, I'm sorted at the moment, thanks so much once again. And this DDDot plugin is really great!

@muzak is there any workaround/plugin/something-I-missed that allow to delete or move the currently edited note if I have the main side panels collapsed (apart the "quick move" plugin)?

For desktop, check out the built in Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P. It opens Goto Anything but adds a : to the input, which lists all possible commands (including plugin commands) like :deleteNote and :moveToFolder. Opening Goto Anything then typing in : would show the same list.

Optimizations include remapping either shortcut and using text expanders to create command aliases (preferably for Goto Anything, since triggers already start with symbols like :) and more:


I'm one of the users who double clicks my emails and pops them into a new window, double clicks his task app tasks into a window, and pulls his Firefox browser tab into it's own window to work alongside other things.

Would love to see that natively supported by Joplin!
I do use Typora currently, and playing with Marktext. But would love to see this supported natively.

Thanks for considering!


Awesome @muzak . Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now that I've got the point of the : into the Command Palette and Goto Anything, I can stay in the editor view in full screen almost all the time, and I'll most likely just toggle DDDot on/off when needed, instead of the stock side panels... DDDot displays the recent notes, the shortcuts, it toggles faster then a blinking eye and it's a single shortcut too, instead of two. That combined with the Command Palette is a real game-changer!
The only bit of information I would be missing from this workflow/view is the sync status, which I wish was on its own dedicated panel or that I could see it above the editor with a position: absolute; CSS value, but there's no way to make it work, as the class disappears as soon as the notebook panel is collapsed... well you cannot have everything, right? :slight_smile:

Optimizations include remapping either shortcut and using text expanders to create command aliases (preferably for Goto Anything, since triggers already start with symbols like :slight_smile: and more:

I'm a heavy Auto Hot Key user, so creating some shortcuts latched to Goto Anything would surely happen at some point... but I'll think about it a bit more in the future, as I still don't know my new way of doing things, yet. I'll take a deeper look at Espanso anyway, but from a quick look I should be able to achieve all of that with AHK as well.

Thank you so much again!

The mobile app has seen massive upgrades in the last couple of years. The editor now provides a good user experience, especially with mobile plugins enabled. I'd be happy to have a setting to skip the Markdown preview and go directly into edit mode when opening a note.


I'd also find very useful:

  • Publish to Joplin Cloud from mobile (very top item on my wish list right now)
  • Take multiple photos in a row on mobile
  • Each call to "take photo" opens a user-specified camera app. e.g. I would have it set to always open Android stock camera
  • Default notebook for new notes (and for Joplin Cloud inbox)

I really like it. :heart_eyes:How do you arrange your notes list vertically?
The foldable design has always been what I wanted, and Joplin's current design takes up too much space.

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Getting rid of the occasional freezes on mobile Android I've been happiest about.

My wishes, all on mobile:

  • audio notes
  • taking multiple fotos in a row
  • further improvements with webdav sync
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Collaspable notes

I really miss these as well.

For some reason when I select the 'take photo' option, the quality is very bad, so I got used to taking pics with the camera app and attaching them.
But I still don't have a convenient workaround for audio notes.