What features did you like in 2023 and what do you want to see in 2024?

Yes, understand that after the first mobile sync to get the updates it's all offline and it is super fast, so that is great. Much better than the general speed of search and performance of Evernote.

However, I feel you shouldn't have to remember to head to your mobile after updating Joplin notes on my laptop, and hit the sync button, so that my mobile app has everything ready for me if I need it in a hurry in future.

The hotel scenario was real, and I had to stand there for about 5 minutes while a whole backlog of updates were synced with my mobile app. Luckily I had a paper version buried in my bag...!


I myself experience bkocked syncs when I have two devices active. for example when my desktop is running with a regular sync interval and I grab my mobile at the same time and it starts synching when I open joplin. It’s a minor issue, but I thought it could be a major one when different people work with the same database.

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Thanks again for all the hard work

A few from me:

  • Right click within a note to give the option "Paste from Evernote", which preserves formatting such as underline and bold, which at present get altered.
  • A simple way to edit linespacing, e.g. from the formatting toolbar.
  • Option to password/pin/biometric protect snippets within a note. There's a plugin for desktop already but an official version translatable to mobile apps would be better . I want to be able to have my database open on my work PC and safely search it with somebody looking at my screen, without chats with HR showing in plain text.
  • Option to only store specific notebooks locally on mobile
  • A "clean up database" option that fixes "syncing notes that don't exist" errors

And +1 to:

  • Miltiple native Joplin note windows on desktop
  • Recycle bin
  • OCR on mobile
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It is currently bundled with Joplin in the pre-release (2.14.x) version that is due for full release at the beginning of March. However if you do not want to use a pre-release it is available for current and previous Joplin versions (back to to v2.1.3) as the Simple Backup plugin. Being a plugin you have to install it before it appears in the menu / settings.

Three more that I hope could be quite easy, and would make a big difference to me:

When in a given notebook and using the back button (Android softkey), the app to return to some higher level rather than exiting the app, e.g. back takes you to "All notes", or back pulls open the burger menu to see the notebook list.


Burger menu can be opened by swiping from left, in the same way as it can already be closed by swiping from right


Burger menu to be rearranged by the user, e.g. to bring notebook selection downwards to become easier to reach all notebooks with one hand, placing the less-often used config/profile switching controls higher up the screen.

Actually, also:

Swiping down on note list when already at the top initiates sync

In mobile, tapping anywhere in the white space below a note's content moves cursor to the very end of all content (so, when there's only a few lines of text in a note, you don't have to tap on the specific location of the final existing line but anywhere from there downwards). Bonus if this is combined with tapping in viewer mode automatically switching to edit mode in the location tapped (where, as described, the entire white space at the bottom is considered equivalent to the final position in the existing content)

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Pen support is amazing a was a massive missing feature.

For 2024, an Updated UI :pray: - and mobile app plugin support/parity with desktop app.

The UI really makes it look like an app from the early 2000s and is my biggest issue - I will likely be switching to Obsidian or similar if the UI isn't updated this year.

I would absolutely love to see support for asciidoctor (asciidoc). It is a much more feature rich markdown language.

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Please let's not end up with a "ribbon" style UI though. Most UIs in recent years have made apps prettier to technophobes, but more difficult to use effectively.

In the current UI, I like that the right things are compact, the right things are spacious, the right things are easy to access and the right things are tucked away.

I honestly wouldn't want the UI to change significantly and certainly not in the way that other apps have "modernised".


2023 and right from my start of using Joplin before, I liked the alarms for to do‘s. It‘s the only way I can bring a task to my attention when it‘s due. Especially if it‘s a task dated in the future like „check insurance for cancellation in 12 months“.

For the same reason it would really be a real facilitation to have a proper and reliable implementation of repeating to do‘s. There are a lot of things to be done or considered in a monthly or longer rythm. Re-setting the alarm every time when a task pops up feels like a very inefficient process of clicking.
I see to do‘s as a basic feature in Joplin that deserves some attention to be improved. Just in a basic way, not like developing a fancy task managing tool.


In Windows (or any other OS), I would like a small pop up or notification when a file is turned into a note using 'Hotfolder' plugin in. I'm not sure if that's a feature request for the plugin or Joplin.

I was surprised to find myself unable to print a note from Joplin (12.4.6) on my iPadPro (running iPadOS 17.4.1). The "Share" menu is much shorter than in any other app I have seen on iOS / iPadOS. Is there some reason why "Print" is missing?

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New user. Loads of love so far... but I can only comment on what I'd love to see in the future and not on what was introduced:

  • On Android UI, the sync area is "stealing" precious space from the notebook side panel list, could the sync be moved to the top, or made it smaller?
  • On Android, several threads I've read recommend the "Caffeine" app to keep the screen on, could a "keep screen on" option being added natively in the Joplin mobile app, as a temporary quirk "fix" for the lack of background sync?
  • On Windows, being able to hide the title and menu bar. I am referring to the actual program top bars, nothing to do with the note titles... this would offer some extra space and less distraction
  • Integrate the Note list and sidebar toggle buttons plugin into the core, so that the buttons to toggle the panels can go also into their panels respectively?
  • CSS possibility to reduce the min-height of the plugin panel? it would be handy if using the "note tab" plugin, so one could make this as small and slick as possible
  • Include a high contrast dark mode theme. The ones available have all most text opacity value set to 0.something and the text is too small... I would highly consider including these themes in the core installation: theme 1 by Hrqmonteiro, theme 2 by AngelCrawford
  • On Evernote, you can paste a URL over a selected word or sentence, and it will create a link for you latched to that selected text. Pretty handy... could this be implemented?
  • Being able to know the total "items" that need syncing while syncing, instead of the numbers being incremented in groups of 50/100. Or at least an estimation of the total remaining time to complete the sync?

Also plus 1 for:

  • Favourite at the top of the notebook list
  • Including a modifiable CSS style sheet (or adding more classes to elements and a class list guide page to refer to, but probably even better may be to have more custom colour choices in the Joplin's option panel
  • Better overall mobile app
  • Better search
  • Being able to purge unused attachments
  • Obsidian style of removing Markdown code as you write to have MD looking more like a rendered view (Evernote does this pretty well, too IMHO)

I wish I was in the position to help with any of the requests, but I am not a programmer. I can only thank you once again for your help and offer to beta test something if you need it


Just to pick out one - this was requested here:

Current workaround on desktop is to use Ctrl + K Ctrl + V.


I do use CtrlK/CtrlV already and can totally live with that... but "fast linking" is... yeah... faster. I was not aware the matter was already discussed, and did not even know the feature had a name... I'll keep an eye out on the thread you shared. Thanks

Thank you for your feedback. Here's some relevant info and workarounds to try:

Feature requests

Agreed. I propose duplicating or moving the sync button as an icon button into the top bar in this post.

I'm on board if the benefits outweigh the risks. If background sync is critical, this app fork seems to work:

As they mention, try it at your own risk.

Here's the latest progress on that: Desktop: Resolves #1752: New: Option to automatically hide the menu bar by tinyoverflow · Pull Request #9603 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

Plus ones

Agreed. For now, try this cross-platform workaround:

You can also use the Favorites plugin or Note Tabs plugin above the notebook list on desktop, if either suits your needs.

Mobile style sheets would be nice. As for desktop, modifiable CSS files already exist: Introduction to customising Joplin (userchrome.css & userstyle.css)

Other helpful resources for desktop theming include but aren't limited to:

Custom colors (for example: exposing :root color variables) in options could be neat, if not overwhelming. However, colors seem to be applied unexpectedly, at least for the Dark theme. I declared new :root variables for my custom style sheets instead.

Try the VS-Code Style Note Search plugin for desktop searches. Try the Note Overview plugin for saving auto-updating search result lists or tables to reference on both desktop and mobile.

Other plugins serve similar functions.

Pair desktop Joplin with the Check for unused resources utility. Follow setup instructions in the Home tab or on the joplin-batch-web website.

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Hey muzak, thanks so much for taking the time to reply, and pass on all those precious info.

  • Android background sync: I don't think I want to mess around with prototypes just in case it will corrupt anything, Caffeine will do for now :slight_smile: Having said that... I have a music android app with a "stay awake" button, I guess it wouldn't be too unorthodox to have such button? Maybe a warning pop-up could warn the user every time the option is checked saying "this feature can limit the lifespan of your display and battery, remember to lock your screen manually"?
  • Note Tab plugin: yup.... I have that one on already and would not live without it :+1:
  • Favourite plugin: tried it... but it seems to be slowing down the system a bit?
  • Userchrome.css & userstyle.css - Yup! I love it! I created my own custom theme, and I am thinking to share it on the Share thread you linked. What I was actually referring to is what whitewall and foto16 mentioned earlier on to make the process easier. Several classes are missing (I've seen some threads mentioning the issue), and I found it impossible to tweak some elements even with pseudo classes so far. Don't get me wrong... I am grateful that I can customise the theme already, not many software offer that. But perhaps at some point the Joplin install could include the main themes' style sheets as examples, so that a new user can have a better kickstart?
  • Joplin-batch-web - I did see that before and downloaded the vacum script, too, also read some threads regarding the orphan matter, what I meant is something more "automated" to get read of the orphan items that sometimes remain hanging in the local folder (especially when turning on/off the E2E encryption). Apparently cleaning that manually can compromise the syncing process, hence it makes me nervous to mess around with third party tools, I'd prefer Joplin taking care of it on its own... maybe some day?
  • Better search. The VSCode Style plugin is exactly what I felt was missing, and I was just echoing pilastr on that one. That is exactly what I need and I will certainly try the plugin out.

Thank you

Also... regarding the New: Option to automatically hide the menu bar that is great. So I guess there is some hope to see that implemented at some point. Fab :clap:

... Also n.2 ...then again I may actually end up trying out that "prototype" android app lol. This is great! Thanks again

You're welcome.

Android background sync: Maybe drop that app's name and a screenshot of the Stay Awake button in this thread: [mobile] Keep screen on button

Note Tabs plugin: Unless you meant the mobile plugin panel, I use this above the editor at minimum height on desktop.

CSS: I've seen mobile app color scheme customization come in two main flavors:

  • Theme modes (light, dark, OLED, etc.) and pickers for 1+ accent colors. For example: Material Design apps
  • Themes as JSON files that can be swapped and/or edited within the app. For example: KurobaEx and KurobaEx themes

If classes are missing, point them out so others can help. If a desired class doesn't exist, you can probably still select it somehow, and someone with wiki access could also update the class list guide.

Are you referring to this :point_up_2: ?
If so... I think the plugin panel container (in general) may have a min-height set, which is preventing me to reduce the overall size of the tabs plugin, and I cannot override it. I'd like to make it just a handful of pixels shorter (probably 35px) but I could not manage with CSS. I can change the tabs' height (in developer mode only, no via style sheet), but I cannot make the plugin container that hosts the tabs smaller than 50px (or smth like that).