Pre-release v2.9 is now available (Updated 15 November)

I've got about 20. Is there some report that I can generate that would list them all? I'm currently running 2.9.4 I don't even see a 2.9.8 in the list of releases.

Oh I am sorry that I mixed up the versions...
I don't think there's something like a report, but maybe you can just take one or two screenshots

Yes and no - there's a disclaimer for css tweaks - we make no guarantee that's it's not going to break on update. But the line is a bit blurred now that plugins package css changes.

Any other plugin we indeed do our best to guarantee they won't break on update (I have a strong dislike for Mozilla's approach "let's break perfectly working plugins just because" and want to avoid that)

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Oh, I always assumed that the css tweaks would break by not rendering correctly. Could css tweaks prevent the whole app from loading in the first place? Like before the menus even load?


@whitewall if you disable all the plugins and then reinstall 2.9.11, does it work?

OK! good news. I realized I had some plugins that were already disabled (see above) so I started by just deleting them. I then installed 2.9.11 and it worked. Yay!!

Unrelated, and not to complain, but I'm not a fan of those folder icons in my side panel. What's the point in giving them icons if every singe one has a folder icon? Now, if the actual notes were integrated into that list, then it would make perfect sense. But everything having a folder? No, that's strange. Am I missing something?

Any way, thanks so much for everyone's hard work!

well I think the default folder icons are quite fine (but I use macos theme, so I disabled them in my own version of joplin), if you give them icons your icon would replace the default one

I may have spoken too soon. Although Joplin starts ok after upgrading to 2.9.11, it freezes up and won't allow interaction at all. Power usage is very high:

It just keeps grinding away.


EDIT: OK, I went back to the previous version and removed the one custom folder icon I was using (it was several levels down, so I didn't notice it). I then moved back up to .11 and it seems to be working alright. Strange, eh?

And yes, all the generic/default folder icons are gone now. Yay!

You mean the high CPU usage was caused by the notebook icons?

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Yeah, I know it sounds crazy.

I'm guessing there was something third thing going on that just happened to be triggered by the folder icon. But yes, I went back down to .4, removed my one custom folder icon, then upgraded to .11 and now everything is working fine.

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I have icons on my notebooks too but CPU usage is normal. Do you have a particularly large number of notebooks?

No, probably not. Maybe 200?

I'd say if no one else has a problem with it, it is probably just my machine.

emm I just did another daily update (from dev branch) and now I encountered the same thing as yesterday (whole app blank), and my previous fix didn't work, so I had to revert to an older binary (from yesterday)

@sdip15fa, if you start the app from the command line, does it show any error message in there?

And did you try to open the console to see if there's any error? How to enable debugging | Joplin

Cli logs

~/dev/joplin/packages/app-desktop/dist dev ⇡1 !2 ?3 ❯ ./Joplin-2.9.11.AppImage --open-dev-tools --log-level debug                          5s 16:42:23
xdg-settings: invalid application name
Try 'xdg-settings --help' for more information.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.798: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.801: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.801: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.802: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.803: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.816: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.

(@joplinapp-desktop:18319): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 16:42:33.817: About to Show called on an item wihtout submenus.  We're ignoring it.
(node:18396) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 pluginMessage listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use `exe --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

One error

-1667205927102.log (1.9 KB)
com.font.size.shortcut seems to be a built-in plugin, but I think I have seen this error in working versions too

Joplin console output

console-log.log (159.5 KB)
I saw isReady false at the end of the logs, maybe that's somehow related?

Seems like it would work if I remove macos theme, like last time. AND would be broken as soon as I reinstall it...

I'm experiencing a strange behavior since installing 2.9.11 (macOS), where CodeMirror is initialized without content scripts (such as the ones registered by Rich Markdown, Space Indenter).

When Joplin is first loaded everything is fine, but once I switch to a different notebook, CodeMirror comes up without the content script. For example, no highlighting of the current line, no interaction in the markdown editor with checkboxes or links. Didn't notice exceptions or warnings in the console.

I disabled all (other) plugins and was able to reproduce the problem (also in the dev environment).

I've observed the same thing with the Rich Markdown plugin but couldn't quite replicate it. After a while it just stops working for some reason.

Edit: Probably due to this pull request: Desktop: Fixes #6719. Avoid reloading loaded plugins by SeptemberHX · Pull Request #6742 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

It seems to fail when switching notebooks, I've made a PR with some details about what the issue and a fix.

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A new version is here:

Improved: Display the plugin name in dialog boxes created by plugins (#6979)
Improved: Regression: Plugin CSS files were no longer being loaded correctly (99a61f1)
Improved: Remove unnecessary PDF viewer messages (db4c6ea)
Fixed: Fix exporting resources to md and md + frontmatter (#6768) (#6721 by @SFulpius)
Fixed: Fixed crash when setting spellchecker language to en-IN (ae17801)
Fixed: Fixed sidebar tag header click (5b80fbc)
Fixed: Fixes an error when importing a shortcut map and canceling the dialog (#6975 by Ahmed Azzam)