Tried to run appimage under Linux Mint 2.3 and the program does not run. System Monitor shows it's there, but no display.
Same here under Linux. Sometimes it gets as far as a window with initial menu, but doesn't progress beyond that.
Don't know if this is helpful, an attempt to run from the command line outputs the following:
~ $ ~/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage
xdg-settings: invalid application name
Try 'xdg-settings --help' for more information.
[54572:0812/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
Same for me.
Joplin 2.9.2, Ubuntu 22.10.
The console output is also the same.
@dayfuaim Try 2.9.3 available since 30 minutes.
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@bepolymathe Yes, I tried.
Thanks very much, everything works. 
Now it's the macOS app that's broken, I'm releasing another version
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The latest release hopefully should fix all apps: Releases · laurent22/joplin · GitHub
I confirm it’s ok on my side with version 2.9.4 (Fedora).
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Confirm that it works with Mint 20.3
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New release 2.9.11 now available:
If you try this release on Windows please could you let me know if you see a "SmartScreen" warning message like this?

The certificate has been updated and it seems Windows no longer recognises the app.
Yeah, I got this on the portable one:

Yes after the download a SmartScreen warning appears and you have to aprove the exe manually.
I did not get any message for the normal version...
Same for me, it’s ok without any message.
Ok so hopefully it was only a problem for the first few downloads and now SmartScreen has learnt it's not malware. I think it was the same the last time the certificate was updated.
'Smart Screen' warning this morning (1130 BST in UK), but ran OK on opening.
Many thanks for excellent product.
I also got the warning (24 Oct).
As well, after updating to 2.9.11, I'm only getting a white screen in the Joplin window. I've tried restarting the app several times. Beginning to worry.
So I tried restarting Joplin and restarting my machine. Same problem, just get a blank Joplin screen.
Tried uninstalling and re-installing 2.9.11. Same result.
I uninstalled and downloaded 2.8.8 (it just started downloading automatically from the "Download" google result. Not my favorite way of having things happen, but what to do.)
I installed that and everything is working again.
I'm happy to try and trouble shoot things. I'd rather be running a more recent version. Please let me know.
I'm running Windows 10.