This new desktop release includes two major changes:
Upgrade to Electron 7: This was messy as there was a lot of (undocumented) breaking changes, to the point where entire components, most notably the note viewer, had to be re-implemented. It seems to be stable now but your feedback would be appreciated if you notice any bugs or other changes.
Switch to an external note renderer. All the code to render notes have been moved a separate package. This is great as it means a huge chunk of code that is now self-contained and outside of the core application, which makes things easier to maintain. The main reason to extract this package though was to allow using it from the browser. So it will be used by the Joplin Web API for Nextcloud (to display shared notes) and could also be used by third-party app like the Joplin Web App.
On Android (and soon iOS), the renderer has also been switched to this new renderer so likewise it’s possible some minor bugs are still there. Any help to find them and fix them would be much appreciated.
Since I'm still at the "kicking tires" stage (AND have a recent backup ^_^), I installed the Windows version and just edited about 30 notes. Everything went snappy and smooth as can be, no crashes, hiccups, errors or obvious bugs.
I tested it both with the built in editor and Mark Text, both seem to work just fine.
Of course I'm secretly hoping that this change will lead to an integrated "Mark Text" like editor but..... I know these things get done when they get done... just, you know, thought I'd mention it (and then ruuuun)
with this new release, on android I could notice that going through a long note is faster than ever but when trying to modify it, it's still a nightmare.
and so once you are in that "lag" situation, you can use joplin at all until you reboot the smartphone
Ok here is the full thing. I saw similar issues with other electron apps buit not sure how they solved it. Electron has awesome ways of breaking things as far as I can tell as a user of various Electron apps.
This seems to be the beta version issue. I have no problem runing the previous version.
The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_JoplinM4WuUs/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
Well I cant, because the mount is temporary as far as I can tell, which makes sense since the appimage is quiting. The mount is there only if the appimage runs successfully
ls -alh /tmp/.mount_Joplin8jFaMT/chrome-sandbox
ls: cannot access '/tmp/.mount_Joplin8jFaMT/chrome-sandbox': No such file or directory
Ran v1.0.177 desktop on Windows 10, captured webpages don’t seem to render at all. I got the html code on the editor part and blank on the note rendering.
I would like to test the new framework, but I have a question before committing: can I update just one client and still use the current client on other machines and have them all (new framework and current framework) using the same endpoint for sync?
I am using this on Windows 10, and interesting that I can only toggle between mardown and Editor/Markdown (split) layout. I am able to toggle between full editor and full markdown mode on Linux 1.0.176 , not sure if this is a regression.
Thanks everyone for helping test this release. I’ve now created a new final release that includes bug fixes as well other improvements and new features:
[321642:0120/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_Joplin8OOeEV/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755. Trace/breakpoint trap
Obviously this folder /tmp/.mount_Joplin8OOeEV/chrome-sandbox does not exists so noone can do anything about permissions, since the app quits right away.