Plugin: Note Link System

Hi @ylc395,

As I reference a lot of websites in my notes, I find that I keep on having to use the Ctrl + K shortcut to paste in the link and the webpage title. Is it possible to have some way to prompt the user if they would like to convert the link they just pasted into Markdown format? More specifically it would identify URLs and fetch the page title to put it in Markdown format.


What is typed: Plugin: Note Link System
What it is converted to: Plugin: Note Link System

Since the Note Link System already uses a Previewer, it should hopefully be straightforward to implement.

There is a plugin that does this called Edge Link MD: When pasting URL copied from Edge address bar, convert it to a Markdown link, but that only works for Microsoft Edge as they have a special clipboard format named Link Format.

I have already created a Github issue here. Would also be glad to hear from others what they think of this proposed feature.