Performance issue

Computer 1 with Windows 11, Joplin 3.0.2

  1. I export all into a jex file
  2. I create a new profile
  3. I import the previous jex file into this new profile => I have to try many times before it works… ( I have many error message from Joplin, like "out of delay").
    When the importation is done, in fact everything is so slow that it's absolutely impossible to use ! 10 to 12 seconds after a click to open a notebook or a note...

Same computer (Windows 11, Joplin 3.0.2)
I want to install the previous version of Joplin (2.14.20): IMPOSSIBLE (only error messages)
So : no turning back possible after an upgrade.

I have two identical laptops.
On the second one I have a 2.12. and I have never install the 3.0.2.

  1. I install Joplin 2.14.20 (latest version of the 2 branch)
  2. I import the jex file that I did on the other Joplin on the other computer => it works "immediatly" (but one hour and a half needed = normal = 2 Go of datas !). I mean no stop and no error messages from JOPLIN,
  3. It works quickly ! I can go back to work.

So there was 2 issues with the 3.0.2 under windows 11 for me => delay and exportation-importation. The trash works fine, Like I created many profiles just for the tests on the first computer, I noticed that's it's also too difficult (delay) to delete the content because of delay and error messages.

To be followed…

I will try

  1. an 2.14.20 update to 3.0.2 on a third computer after the importation of the same all.jex -
  2. an upgrade of Joplin on Kubuntu...

I'm able to reproduce a performance issue that, based on the descriptions above, seems similar (in Joplin 3.0.2 with about 9000 tags, 2000 notebooks (many nested), and 13000 notes).

Note/resource/tag/notebook counts:
Note: 0/13785
Folder: 0/1889
Resource: 0/15
Tag: 0/9524
NoteTag: 0/8997
Revision: 0/68
Total: 0/34278
Joplin version information:
Joplin 3.0.2 (dev, linux)

Client ID: 3a953c01b7df45eab0fcf3b3410b7451
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 46
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: b3f441402

Backup: 1.4.1
Time to create and tag a note from the console

When I run the following in Joplin's development tools console with the notes list, notebook list, and tag list open,

(async () => {
    const note = await{ title: 'Test...', parent_id: '08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062' });
    const tag = await{ title: 'tag-new-note' });
    await Tag.addNote(,;

I get the following output:

// Console output:
-> createNote: 55.760009765625 ms
-> 10:04:57: Scheduling sync operation... 15000
-> 10:05:03: App: Refreshing notes: 2 88c0d524c4a8467eac36e0de2493352a
-> tagNote: 8669.56884765625 ms

Running it again with the notebook list and note list closed (closed by pressing F10, F11):

-> createNote: 45.0830078125 ms
-> 10:07:07: Scheduling sync operation... 15000
-> 10:07:13: App: Refreshing notes: 2 88c0d524c4a8467eac36e0de2493352a
-> tagNote: 9182.297119140625 ms

With settings open:

-> createNote: 39.320068359375 ms
-> 10:08:45: Scheduling sync operation... 15000
-> 10:08:46: App: Refreshing notes: 2 88c0d524c4a8467eac36e0de2493352a
-> tagNote: 143.031982421875 ms
Notebook switching time

When I run the following from Joplin's development tools,

(async () => {
let avgTime = 0;
const trialCount = 5;
for (let i = 0; i < trialCount; i++) {
    await joplin.commandService.execute('openItem', ':/ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5');
    const startTime =;
    await joplin.commandService.execute('openItem', ':/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e');
    const deltaTime = - startTime;
    avgTime += deltaTime;
avgTime /= trialCount;
console.log('Average switch notebook time', avgTime);

In addition to a number of other logs, I get,

Average switch notebook time 2727.820000004768
Full log
CommandService::execute: openItem :/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:10: App: Refreshing notes: 2 08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062
main-html.js:54 10:15:13: Loading existing note 227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:13: CommandService::execute: openItem :/ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:13: Loaded note: {id: '227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e', parent_id: 'b9671d8f2e6b42e983e331f9ccf27b5c', title: 'Test note 9', body: 'Test note 9', created_time: 1712589885051, …}
main-html.js:54 10:15:15: CommandService::execute: openItem :/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:15: App: Refreshing notes: 2 b9671d8f2e6b42e983e331f9ccf27b5c
main-html.js:54 10:15:15: Loading existing note ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:15: App: Refreshing notes: 2 08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062
main-html.js:54 10:15:18: CommandService::execute: openItem :/ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:18: Loading existing note ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:21: CommandService::execute: openItem :/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:21: App: Refreshing notes: 2 b9671d8f2e6b42e983e331f9ccf27b5c
main-html.js:54 10:15:21: PluginRunner: Got message (3): joplin.settings.value backupInterval
main-html.js:54 10:15:23: CommandService::execute: openItem :/ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:23: App: Refreshing notes: 2 08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062
main-html.js:54 10:15:23: PluginRunner: Got message (3): joplin.settings.value lastBackup
main-html.js:54 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete undefined
main-html.js:54 10:15:23: PluginRunner: Got message (3): joplin.settings.value onlyOnChange
main-html.js:54 10:15:23: App: Refreshing notes: 2 b9671d8f2e6b42e983e331f9ccf27b5c
main-html.js:54 10:15:26: Loading existing note ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:26: CommandService::execute: openItem :/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:26: PluginRunner: Got message (3): ['folders'] {fields: 'title, id, updated_time', order_by: 'updated_time', order_dir: 'DESC', limit: 10, page: 1}
main-html.js:54 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete undefined
main-html.js:54 10:15:26: App: Refreshing notes: 2 08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062
main-html.js:54 10:15:29: CommandService::execute: openItem :/ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:29: PluginRunner: Got message (3): ['notes'] {fields: 'title, id, updated_time', order_by: 'updated_time', order_dir: 'DESC', limit: 10, page: 1}
main-html.js:54 10:15:29: App: Refreshing notes: 2 b9671d8f2e6b42e983e331f9ccf27b5c
main-html.js:54 10:15:29: Loading existing note ec609ce22d0645afad68b3e261f516e5
main-html.js:54 10:15:32: CommandService::execute: openItem :/227759c8f2134dadbf62365db5e7571e
main-html.js:54 10:15:32: PluginRunner: Got message (3): ['resources'] {fields: 'title, id, updated_time', order_by: 'updated_time', order_dir: 'DESC', limit: 10, page: 1}
10:15:32: App: Refreshing notes: 2 08e57e090e11466d833925c8e8c4f062
JEX Export of the data I'm testing with

big.jex.gz (5.4 MB)

(Partially created with Stress testing/Python script: Generating a large number of notes and tags)

Because adding/updating notes is much faster when settings is open, I suspect that part of the performance issue is some component in the main Joplin screen that updates for every note/notebook.

I'm also experiencing a .5-2 second freeze when creating a new note (after starting to type the title).

Note that an import of the relevant .JEX file in another 3.0.2 copy of Joplin and a 2.14.20 version of Joplin are in progress, so I'm unsure whether the performance issues listed above are regressions or not.

  • Edit: With version 2.14.20 (release), importing finished faster than with version 3.0.2 (dev) (edit 2 so far, more than 7 minutes faster).
  • Edit: I'm also not noticing the freeze when updating the notebook title in v2.14.20 (release).

Edit 3: Similar GitHub issue.

I'm able to reproduce this in a new profile with two notes and one notebook (edit: in Joplin 3.0.2 (dev) on Ubuntu 23.10). Edit 2: GitHub issue.


Related pull request: