Stress testing/Python script: Generating a large number of notes and tags


My personal joplin notebook only has a few dozen tags, but I want to be able to test performance issues referenced in discussion posts like this one.

Script for generating a large Joplin notebook

Below is a (very messy) python script that creates a Joplin export directory with many, many tags.

:warning: Do not import the directory generated by this script unless you have

  1. Backed up all of your Joplin settings and data
  2. Turned off sync.
Show code
import os, uuid, datetime, re, random

## A rather messy script that, given a directory of text files,
## creates a large Joplin notebook.
## This script is published in the hope that others may find it useful.
## (Consider it licensed under the MIT public license).

# Path to a directory with large text files!
# I fetched several books (as .txt files) from Project Gutenberg
# and stored them in a directory
BOOKS_DIR = "/path/to/some/books"

OUT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/out"
BOOK_PATHS = [ BOOKS_DIR + "/" + p for p in os.listdir(BOOKS_DIR) ]
WORD_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:[^a-zA-Z]|^)([a-zA-Z]+)(?:[^a-zA-Z]|$)')

# Probability that a given word will be ignored (when
# reading a portion of the input data and considering whether to
# track a word).

def timestamp():

def addStandardLines(lines, parentId, newlineChar='\n'):
    now = timestamp()
    content = [
        "created_time: {}Z".format(now),
        "updated_time: {}Z".format(now),
        "user_created_time: {}Z".format(now),
        "user_updated_time: {}Z".format(now),
        "encryption_cipher_text: ",
        "encryption_applied: 0",
    if parentId != None:
            "parent_id: {}".format(parentId)
        "is_shared: 0",
        "share_id: ",
        "master_key_id: ",
    lines.extend([ l + newlineChar for l in content ])

def getUUID():
    return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')

def mdPath(uuid):
    return "{}/{}.md".format(OUT_DIR, uuid)

# Process book
def processBook(path):
    notebookUUID = getUUID()
    print("Processing", path)

    # Write the notebook spec file.
    with open(mdPath(notebookUUID), 'w') as f:
        lines = [
            os.path.basename(path) + "\n",
            "id: {}\n".format(notebookUUID),
        addStandardLines(lines, "")
        lines.append("icon: \n")
        lines.append("type_: 2")

    # Write chunks of the books as .md files.
    chunks = ["First paragraph.\n\n"]
    links = {}
    words = {}
    paragraphNo = 1
    isFirst = False

    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.strip() == "" and not isFirst:
                paragraphNo += 1
                chunks.append("Paragraph " + str(paragraphNo) + "\n\n")
                isFirst = True
                isFirst = (line.strip() == "")
                chunks[-1] += line.rstrip() + " "

    for chunk in chunks:
        noteUUID = getUUID()
        for word in re.findall(WORD_REGEX, chunk):
            if random.random() > CHANCE_OF_IGNORE_WORD:
                word = word.lower()
                if not (word in words):
                    words[word] = []

        print("Writing", mdPath(noteUUID))
        with open(mdPath(noteUUID), 'w') as f:
            lines = [chunk]
            lines.append("Which has length, {}".format(len(chunk)))
            lines.append("id: {}".format(noteUUID))
            addStandardLines(lines, notebookUUID, '')
                "latitude: 47.6",
                "longitude: -122",
                "altitude: 0.000",
            lines.append("markup_language: 1")
            lines.append("is_todo: 0")
            lines.append("todo_due: 0")
            lines.append("todo_completed: 0")
            lines.append("source_url: ")
            lines.append("author: ")
            lines.append("is_conflict: 0")
            lines.append("conflict_original_id: ")
            lines.append("source: joplin-desktop")
            lines.append("source_application: net.cozic.joplin-desktop")
            lines.append("application_data: ")
            lines.append("order: 0")
            lines.append("type_: 1")

    return words

def mergeTagGroups(tagsListGroups):
        Merge a list of tag maps into a single tag map.
        This stage merges the results of several possibly-parallel
    tags = {}
    for tagGroup in tagsListGroups:
        for tag in tagGroup:
            if tag in tags:
                tags[tag] = tagGroup[tag]
    return tags

def writeTags(tags):
        Creates files representing tags and links from tags to
        individual notes.
    for tag in tags:
        noteUUIDs = tags[tag]
        tagUUID = getUUID()
        writeTag(tag, tagUUID)

        for noteUUID in noteUUIDs:
            writeLink(tagUUID, noteUUID)

def writeTag(tag, tagUUID):
        Writes a single tag with the given name and uuid.
        Does not write links between tags and notes.
    with open(mdPath(tagUUID), 'w') as f:
        lines = [
            "id: {}".format(tagUUID)
        # Empty parent ID, no newline sep (we're adding it)
        addStandardLines(lines, "", "")
        lines.append("type_: 5")


def writeLink(tagUUID, noteUUID):
        Writes out a link between a tag and a note.
        (Associates the note with the tag)
    linkUUID = getUUID()
    with open(mdPath(linkUUID), 'w') as f:
        lines = [
            "id: {}".format(linkUUID),
            "note_id: {}".format(noteUUID),
            "tag_id: {}".format(tagUUID),
        addStandardLines(lines, None, '')
        lines.append("type_: 6")

def setupOut():
    print("Setting up", OUT_DIR)
    os.mkdir(OUT_DIR + "/resources")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tags = [ processBook(path) for path in BOOK_PATHS ]
    tags = mergeTagGroups(tags)
    print("Writing tags and links.")

Using it

  1. Download several large text files and store them in a directory. I downloaded books from Project Gutenberg for this. (These books should be public domain in the USA — I don't know about other regions).

  2. Replace BOOKS_DIR="/path/to/some/books" with the path to the directory containing the downloaded books.

  3. Create an out/ folder in the same directory as the script

  4. Run the script!

    • The out/ folder needs to be empty at the beginning of each run of the script.
    • I use a shell script for this:
      •  #!/bin/sh
         rm -rf out/
         mkdir out
  5. Import the directory from Joplin (select joplin export directory)

    • Depending on the size and number of books, this can take a long time.


When I ran this, it took roughly 3 hours for the import to finish. Notes are somewhat short and there are roughly 11,000 tags.


The CLI app has a "testing" command that can automatically create a number of notes, tags and notebooks too. Although it only creates empty notes I think. The advantage of running it from the app is that you bypass the API so it's probably faster.

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