Joplin's vscode plugin is released!

Thanks for the fast implementation! However it's not exactly what I wanted. Probably I didn't express it correctly, sorry. I don't have the diamond (#) in each title and would like to have it added. Something like this pseudo code: displayedNoteContent = "# " + note.title + "\n\n" + note.body.

So for the note title test title, the current behaviour would be:

test title


I would like to have:

# test title


It would comply with this markdown rule and would probably look better in PDF export.

If you have # in your markdown, you will also have # in the final title.

Maybe I can add # to the title when opening the note, if it doesn't exist in the title, but what I'm not sure about is whether to remove the # when changing the note too

Ok, I understand. It's probably too hacky to modify the note title in the background.

Can I ask how you handle this? Do you have the same string once as note title and then again as heading in the note body?

I'm just writing markdown normally, although this results in # in all note titles

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Thanks. I guess that's what I should do, too. Adapting the note title once for all existing notes shouldn't be too difficult with a script.

I don't like the # in all note titles, but the linter warning annoys me more :smiley:

I'll implement it later, so it's okay to not update for now, it seems that this behavior is the correct one. Also as a reminder, batch updates using scripts will lose user_update_time metadata

0.7.4 has been released, can you try again?

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Is there a way to batch update notes via the api while keeping the user_update_time constant? @laurent

I think if you provide this property (by setting it to the current user_updated_time) it won't be overridden.

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Works great. Thanks!

I have a few more feature requests:

  • Ability to move a note/notebook to another notebook.
  • Integrate Joplins search. Could be a search field, like at "Extensions".
  • Jump to a linked note when ctrl-clicking it. Currently there is Unable to open '...': File not found.

If you don't have the time, I can also try to look into them.

  1. Already supported, check cut and paste in the right-click menu
  2. Try to enter the shortcut keys ctrl+j, ctrl+o and then search
  3. It should be supported now, it may be a bug

Well, that's good news :smiley:

I tried intuitively to drag and drop. However, copy and pasting with shortcuts is working fine for me, too.

I had the impression the search is only in the note titles, but works when trying again.

This seems to be a bug. I have multiple links to other notes in the format [title](:/id) and they don't work. Usual weblinks and links to local files are working.

  1. Drag and drop is limited by vscode's api, it's not currently possible to support it, but it may be resolved this year: Add drag and drop for contributed tree views · Issue #32592 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub
  2. I also found it, it's really weird, the mouse hover preview works but the jump doesn't work

If you are familiar with the content related to the vscode lsp protocol, you can help to read the third question, the relevant code is good and bad: joplin-utils/JoplinMarkdownLinkProvider.ts at 293a5205b86e7bc96131f82f475b996e42e32e50 · rxliuli/joplin-utils · GitHub

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I'm not familar with the protocol, but can take a look for sure! I will write here or make a PR if there is some progress.

I tried to fiddle around, but couldn't get any progress. I wont be able to work on this in the short term. So if you or someone else wants to work on this issue, feel free to do it.

Btw.: Just tested version 0.7.6 and it works well :+1:

I run joplin on multiple computers (desktop and laptop)
vscode saves the token for only one. How can I easily switch between computers using the vscode plugin?

You can modify the joplin token to match, generally in ~/.config/joplin-desktop/setting.json

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perfect, thank you

Slick plugin.

One thing I noticed is that the Joplin view of the file, if you have the same one open, does not update until you browse away and then back.

Anyway, it is a very nice option to use when I am jumping between notes and documents. I just wish VS Code had an easy way for me to import a CSS file from the filesystem. Their security model is ... overbearing.

Thanks for a great plugin. -t

One thing I noticed is that the Joplin view of the file, if you have the same one open, does not update until you browse away and then back.

This problem should have been solved in the recent PR, maybe update the plugin?

I just wish VS Code had an easy way for me to import a CSS file from the filesystem. Their security model is ... overbearing.

if you mean this, ref: Other features | Joplin Utils