I hope they'll rot in Hell.
Please take my money Joplin team!
But first I really need this:
guess You solved the problem ?
If not, it is as easy as it could be.
As shown in the first picture of Yours, Thunderbird blocks the picture (because a screenshot is just nothing else) itself, but not the name of it. Therefore You have explicit to unblock/allow these kind of contents.
Which is (it seems):
opened 11:33AM - 12 Nov 20 UTC
closed 01:04AM - 25 Jan 21 UTC
Please provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. (In t… he section Steps To Reproduce.)
Include screenshots if needed.
Please test using the latest Joplin release to make sure your issue has not already been fixed.
IMPORTANT: If you are reporting a clipper bug, please include an example URL that shows the issue.
Without the URL the issue is likely to be closed.
I am trying to copy an article from full rendered preview to Word but images never get copied to clipboard. The images' file format is jpeg. Not sure if it is related to #1702.
## Environment
Joplin version:
Joplin 1.3.18 (prod, win32)
修订(Revision): 6b75485a1 (master)
## Steps to reproduce
1. Download this and unpack to get the jex note file in question:
[【诡秘之主】22全途径魔药徽章UI设计_UI_图标_Delaro - 原创作品 - 站酷 (ZCOOL).zip](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/files/5530260/22.UI._UI_._Delaro.-.-.ZCOOL.zip)
- Note: Because zip doesn't handle encoding well so you might see garbled in filename due to differences between GB2312 and UTF-8. You could safely rename the unpacked jex's name to anything.
2. Open it in Joplin
3. Select all the rendered preview and press Ctrl+C, then open Word and paste.
Issues without reproduction steps are likely to stall.
## Describe what you expected to happen
Images should have been pasted but they are not.

I really can't work without being able to copy/paste from the Note tool, please please please .
Thank you!
Edit BTW: if you're an Evernote user who upgraded too fast to its v10, they provide a Legacy install and procedure here:
Note: the Evernote Legacy app can be installed side-by-side with the new Evernote app.
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