How to Create Clickable External Links to Notes?

Hi my fav comunity,

I'm trying to figure out how to create external links to my Joplin notes that I can use in task manager descriptions, websites, or even forum posts. Ideally, these links should open the note directly in my Joplin desktop application when clicked.

The Problem:

  • Browsers don’t seem to recognize joplin:// URLs as clickable, so when I paste a callback URL like joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=<note-id>, it doesn’t work.
  • Most platforms expect HTTP or HTTPS links to make them clickable.

What I've Tried:

I created a simple HTML page that:

  1. Accepts a note-id as a URL parameter.
  2. Constructs the appropriate joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=<note-id> link.
  3. Redirects to this callback URL when opened in a browser.

This approach works because I can host the HTML page and use its HTTPS URL as a bridge. However, the process to generate these links manually is cumbersome.

What I Need:

I’m looking for a way to automate generating these external links directly from Joplin. Ideally:

  1. A right-click option or keyboard shortcut in Joplin to copy a custom external link to the clipboard, e.g.,<note-id>.
  2. Completely self-hosted—I'm not looking to rely on Joplin's cloud services for sharing.

I think I found a good plugin candidate to fork. Of course, it's Helmut's.
joplin-plugin-get-notebook-id plugin

Forking it seems logical, but I’d love to avoid diving deep into plugin development if there’s a simpler solution.

My Questions:

  1. Is there an existing plugin or tool that supports this kind of functionality?
  2. If not, is modifying Copy Markdown Link the right approach, or are there other plugins I should study?
  3. Are there alternative solutions for generating clickable external links to Joplin notes?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Not clickable...

Checkout this topic


Thank you very much. This is it!
It even has keyboard shortcuts.

@benlau you're the best!!!

As I said in the post.
My fav community :heart_on_fire:


Thank you for this solution. i will try it also!

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