External link to an anchor


Are external links to an anchor supported ?

I tried :

[[Some text>>url:joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=3be2889f7f874730a7ef3dd065f3002f#test]].

but the #test part isn't working, the links always opens the note at the beginning.

Note : the anchor in the note is correctly set, because internal links to it work fine.

Is my syntax incorrect, or are external links to an anchor not supported ?

Versions : Joplin 2.11.11 / Debian 11

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External links to an anchor are not supported.

Maybe anything has changed here? :slight_smile:
Where can I find the logic in the code?
Is it going to bring any security issues if implemented?

Even though I think I found an easy fix in the code - it's very hard to test this for 2 reasons:

  1. When building project locally I don't understand how to trigger external link so that it hits my dev instance and not main instance;
  2. There is a horrible bug when you follow a anchor link it first scrolls to right anchor, but then suddenly jumps back to the top - based on my findings it's scroll position restoring code in index.html.