For start, if you want to reproduce yourself, please try to use the Web Clipper to save the article,4388.html to Joplin. Then open it and try to make modifications using the WISYWIG editor. Just viewing the note seems fine, but as soon as I start to make any changes, everything seems to basically stall for several seconds. Then, it suddenly unblocks itself and becomes responsive again.
I assume that this may be caused by the website in question having a lot of large tables. Could this be the culprit here?
I'm attaching Joplin version information below. The OS is Windows 10, and the hardware is decent (Ryzen 4350G, 32 GB RAM, NVMe SSD, etc.).
Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32)
Client ID: 9467bf8dedaf4b7bad312d5fb32dd440
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: c2a6a13
Could you create an issue on GitHub about it?
Sure. I also tried to attach the whole .jex file in case the website becomes unavailable or changes, but it exceeds 28 MBs. I didn't want to make any modifications to reduce the size, e.g. delete images, to keep the original state.
opened 01:56PM - 11 Aug 22 UTC
Please provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. (In t… he section Steps To Reproduce.)
Include screenshots for UI problems if needed.
DO NOT create screenshots of text !!! Copy and paste the text into a code block.
Please test using the latest Joplin release to make sure your issue has not already been fixed.
IMPORTANT: If you are reporting a clipper bug, please include an example URL that shows the issue.
Without the URL the issue is likely to be closed.
## Environment
Joplin version: 2.8.8
Platform: Windows 10
OS specifics: x64
Platform can be one of: macOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, terminal (or a combination)
OS specifics: e.g. OS version, Linux distribution, Android/iOS version...
## Steps to reproduce
1. Use the Web Clipper to save the article from,4388.html to Joplin.
2. Open the clipped site in Joplin using the WYSIWYG/RichText editor (not Markdown editor).
4. Try to edit anything in the editor, e.g. add a H1 element.
5. The whole Joplin GUI stalls for several seconds and only becomes responsive later (e.g. on my Ryzen 4350G computer every action usually 5-10 seconds).
Issues without reproduction steps are likely to stall.
## Describe what you expected to happen
The WYSIWYG editor should respond to commands immediately and apply the user changes to the note.
## Logfile
Please attach a debug log. Issues without a debug log are likely to stall.
For information on how to collect a log file:
15:43:45: Loaded note: {id: 'bf8f648ec1784be3837e2d66cbdc77bb', parent_id: '6d3ce875f8e84b0fb00fd2428d813eb8', title: 'GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Cards Ranked', body: '# GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Card…/,4388.html', created_time: 1660212348649, …}altitude: "0.0000"application_data: ""author: ""body: "# GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Carconflict_original_id: ""created_time: 1660212348649encryption_applied: 0encryption_cipher_text: ""id: "bf8f648ec1784be3837e2d66cbdc77bb"is_conflict: 0is_shared: 0is_todo: 1latitude: "0.00000000"longitude: "0.00000000"markup_language: 1master_key_id: ""order: 1660212348649parent_id: "6d3ce875f8e84b0fb00fd2428d813eb8"share_id: ""source: "joplin-desktop"source_application: "net.cozic.joplin-desktop"source_url: ",4388.html"title: "GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Cards Ranked"todo_completed: 0todo_due: 0type_: 1updated_time: 1660214795949user_created_time: 1660212300000user_updated_time: 1660214795949[[Prototype]]: Object
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\gui\NoteEditor\utils\useMessageHandler.js:25 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete null
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\gui\NoteEditor\utils\useMessageHandler.js:25 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete null
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:43:46: SearchEngine: Updating FTS table...
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:43:47: SearchEngine: Updated FTS table in 1ms. Inserted: 0. Deleted: 0
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:43:56: Saving note... {id: 'bf8f648ec1784be3837e2d66cbdc77bb', parent_id: '6d3ce875f8e84b0fb00fd2428d813eb8', title: 'GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Cards Ranked', body: '# GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Card…/,4388.html'}
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:43:56: Scheduling sync operation... 30000
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\gui\NoteEditor\utils\useMessageHandler.js:25 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete null
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: SearchEngine: Updating FTS table...
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: ResourceService::indexNoteResources: Start
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: models/Setting: Saving settings...
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: models/Setting: Settings have been saved.
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: SearchEngine: Updated FTS table in 198ms. Inserted: 1. Deleted: 0
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: Saving note... {id: 'bf8f648ec1784be3837e2d66cbdc77bb', parent_id: '6d3ce875f8e84b0fb00fd2428d813eb8', title: 'GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Cards Ranked', body: '# GPU Benchmarks and Hierarchy 2022: Graphics Card…/,4388.html'}
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: Scheduling sync operation... 30000
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: models/Setting: Saving settings...
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: models/Setting: Settings have been saved.
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: ResourceService::indexNoteResources: Completed
Joplin\app\resources\app.asar\node_modules\@joplin\lib\Logger.js:190 15:44:07: ResourceService::deleteOrphanResources:
1 Like
10 September 2022 13:58
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