What features did you like in 2023 and what do you want to see in 2024?

New to Joplin, and a refugee from Evernote.
After reviewing these observations i wonder if i am using the right software...?

For me the killer function of the old evernote was the keyboard-shortcut clipping of ANYTHING on any screen (not just within browsers).

Any chance that quick clipping is hidden somewhere in Joplin, or in an extension?

I have tried Snagit ... but it requires a lot more clicking and tapping than Evernote Legacy, and then doesn't file my clips intelligently.

¿Is there some other software that would let me clip selected or clip a screen area with one keyboard combo? It sure is handy to be able to do so!

Again -- and in any case -- thank you (all) for contibuting to Joplin!

First of all, thank you so much for all your hard work! Joplin has been my daily note app for my personal life for years (Obsidian for work, so I can compare).

I wasn't able to reread all the answers, but here are a few features features that I often think about in my daily use :

  • Pinned notes to the top of notes lists (with the possibility to choice to pin to a folder, a subfolder or to « all the note »).
  • no more bold markdown bug : when I reopen a note, sometimes, bold text isn’t bold anymore and I the « ** »
  • An editor WYSIWYG where I can write markdown syntax like Obsidian (where syntax disappears after you've written it)
  • A search with all queries options in a menu (not easy to remember all the queries when you don't use them often)
  • The ability to change notebooks order with a personal order
  • The ability to find the note where an attachement is attached
  • The ability to adjust pictures compression globally or at the import

If you haven't already tried them, check out the Favorites plugin and Note Tabs plugin.


Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I often take screencaps of a portion of a screen and put it into a Joplin note. On Windows, the shortcut for the snipping tool is win+shift+s, then just snip and paste into Joplin note.


Yes, not bad, but this is not really "a pinned note to the top of a list" plugin and unfortunatly, I can't use it on my iPhone :cry:

Actually I'm surprised Evernote was having such a tool before. Personally if I need to take a screenshot I simply use the built-in system tool, Preview on macOS or the Snipping Tool on Windows, and then I paste it into the note. Both of these are very good, have many options including shortcuts.

I feel re-implementing these wouldn't be a good use of our time, especially since whatever we come up with wouldn't be as good as the built-in ones. This is a different story on the browser since we save the web page structure too, and there's no good generic tool to do this.


If you don't use ToDo type notes (many Joplin users don't use this; I'd bet many are unaware this exists), then one workaround is to make the notes you wish to 'pin' ToDo type notes, then have notes sorted such that ToDo type notes sort to the top (I think this is the default). I'm guessing that would work on mobile as well.

Another potential workaround for mobile is to tag all the notes you wished pinned with a unique tag, say 'pin', to give you relatively quick and easy access to those notes. Could also do the same using notebooks, but if you are using notebooks for some kind of differentiation of notes, then this would screw that up for the pinned notes, whereas an extra tag doesn't affect existing tag-based categorization of notes.


i understand.
Although having to clip and open a note and then paste (using keyboard shortcuts) interrupts my work flow far more than a single quick two-finger tap.
(Perhaps i need to slow down, or clip less...? :wink:

Please keep such a feature in the back of your mind. It would appear to be unique, and one that the old Evernote had, which they then took away.


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Thanks for your response ! The ToDo type note is a great alternative to pin note at the top of a list. I will use that tricks for now :wink:

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  • Faster syncing is my favorite improvement


  • safer sync model
    • mobile apps push on every change, so a note can be created quickly, the app closed, and changes are reliably synced without manual syncing (like Simplenote)
    • default pull sync interval is closer to 5 seconds than 5 minutes (like Simplenote)
  • safer note revision retention
    • infinite note revision retention period is 1st class citizen, and performant with thousands of notes (like Simplenote)

I'm curious where EN would have put your screenshot. Into a new note? In whatever folder you had last opened? And without a title to the note?

I'm just having a hard time figuring out how a feature like this would work let alone be useful.

EN gives the choice of folder into which it places the selected text into a new note.

When i tap the screenshot key combo it gives me cross-hairs that i use to delineate the area to be placed in a new note. To clip the whole screen one tap anywhere will do it.

It's quick and easy.

In 2024, I'd like to see easier ways to customize some UI elements such as background and font colors for different panes/lists without the need to edit the css file. This can be achieve by menu items in options for the user to pick a color from a palette.

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Thanks for the continuous development of Joplin. It's been my daily driver for many years now.

For 2024, I'd love to see plugins on mobile and a canvas feature (see [Proposition] Canvas for Joplin?).


I agree it would be nice, but Joplin already comes with 8 color themes. And I can't think of any other app I use that allows specific customization of the colour scheme in the app.

What I would rather see is having the css files be available for editing and activating from within Joplin. So it would still be a css file, but you could make changes and see them in real time.

But that probably won't happen because there is (understandably) no guarantee from the developers that css customizations will work in future versions. Which does kind of point back to it being nice if some key interface elements could be modified through a gui.



Even though I only use the mobile app rarely, usually when traveling, I say that the limitations of the mobile app are the #1 reason that I don't more often recommend it to people since the folks I work with are usually dependent on their mobile device for work. So even though I don't use it much, I'd love to see any and all improvements on the mobile app.


For the mobile app add a PIN with the biometric fingerprint support. Because if your sensor or your finger is damaged you can't unlock the mobile app. This is probably why it's still in beta.


Unfortunately that's true for me as well although I do use it regularly. But now and then I'm getting a conflict or an endless sync (where I have to enact a sync on another device to fix :hammer: it).

It would be nice to have an option in the mobile app, where you only can edit after the first successful sync after opening the app. I would immediately toggle it :white_check_mark: (even if my syncs take about 10s, which is awful, but it is what it is) if I can use it read only :open_book: immediately.

Just found out I'm using the service for about 5 years now. Wow. Thank you so much :sparkling_heart:!


adding support for colors... by default. So that all notes imported from Evernote would show exactly what they were in Evernote.


My MacBook just decided to die after 8 years and now I have to use iPad as my main device. So there are some feature I want for the iOS version

  • The lacks of plugins have been a struggle, Quick Link is what I really hope that it will available for as soon as possible.
  • There is no way to open a pdf, highlight the content then re-save to the note. Unless there is none that I know of. If someone know-how let me know.
  • I really like the Split View and I think it will work perfect on iPad. But I guess I am in the minority on this.
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