I come across a website by another note app: https://amplenote.featureupvote.com/. Basically it's a website that lets users propose features to be developed, vote on them and see how popular one's suggestion is, and see the team's reactions (not considered, under consideration, planned, development underway). It's very transparent.
I see many user suggestions here in the Joplin Forum, not least in a thread a year ago: What features did you like in 2023 and what do you want to see in 2024? But frankly speaking, the development resource is limited and not all features will get implemented, and the perceived priorities by the team may be different from a particular user's need. (For example, on that site, any development on task management has no interest from me, but no hard feelings.)
Such a feature voting site might help both sides: to help the development team to gauge what is important from the demand side, and for the users to have a reasonable expectation of what features are likely to be added. It will also help to centralize the feature requests. There are downsides of this approach; it may be perceived as putting pressures on the development team which has already delivered quite a lot in the context of FOSS.