Thumbnail view

Many of my notes are sketches, photos or design references, so it would be super useful to have a thumbnail view option. I’d like to use Joplin like local pinterest, and it would be helpful to have visual reference even for articles.
For example, if a note contains any image, a first image (lets say, bigger than 200x200px or so) could become a thumbnail. If there is no image, just a title / first lines of text could be enlarged.


This is how Evernote does it. I’d also like this option. Would make Joplin much more “colorful”. And for my notes this would also make things easier.


For what it’s worth, I’d really like this feature too!

Please consider adding something like this.
This is the single greatest barrier preventing switching completely from Evernote or Notion to a Joplin/Keep setup.


I would also fully appreciate this feature. For me this is useful (in Evernote) to find easily and quickly the notes I am looking for, just by recognizing the corresponding image.


+1 for team thumbnail view.
Coming from Tumblr, I really miss the archive view with has a similar thumbnail/pinterest-like experience. It makes browsing past entries a wonderful experience especially if your notebooks happen to be image-centric or headline-centric.

+1 for thumbnails (in list view) - would be so much better to identify notes quickly!!

+1 for thumbnails. My favorite feature from Evernote.

With a half-dozen notes, a person likely doesn't need thumbnails. With a few hundred notes and no idea of what the wanted note has for a title, the thumbnails would be invaluable. A search for some terms might easily turn up a few dozen notes and the thumbnail would make it much easier to identify the desired one.

This is what made Evernote great. Now that it has turned itself into something that is usually flushed down the toilet (see v10) there are millions looking for an alternative and if thumbnails were part of Joplin the choice would be simple.

Could some sort of plug-in do this?

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jack grubers note overview plugin can create a search type where the first 200 characters (or customizable) and the first picture (or customizable) can show up in the search result table. The plugin generates a page so it will also show up on linked devices without plugin support like android.


Tried it out and it's perfect for what I do. My stuff would be better in a database but I prefer the free-form type of note for storage. I can now say goodbye to Evernote. My two "Premium" accounts there won't be seeing much traffic from now on.

Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.

I would love this option as well.

+1 for thumbnails, I really need this!

Another +1 for thumbnails from a new user. I'd like a configurable option to include thumbnails in the list view, or not, by notebook.

After much wrangling, I got the Note Overview plugin to solve this use case for me.

Would you mind sharing how exactly? Just installed the plugin but no idea how it works

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Happy to help! I've only been using Joplin for a week, so there may be better ways to do this than the ones I used. Also, I made some newbie mistakes along the way, so I will share those as well.

A couple of basic points:

  • The plugin ReadMe file is full of good information. GitHub - JackGruber/joplin-plugin-note-overview: A note overview is created based on the search and the specified fields.
  • The "Create note overview" option on the Tools menu doesn't create a new overview from scratch - it generates or refreshes an overview. You need to make a note with the note overview code block by hand first. (The ReadMe file makes this clear but somehow I missed it anyway.)
  • The Joplin "toggle editor layout" button in the top right menu bar has more view options than the markdown/rich text toggles on the editing toolbar. It took me a while to figure that out.

Use case:

I wanted a visual index to a notebook called "Portraits" that has web clips from various sites, mostly art auction houses. The web clips are a mix of Evernote clips converted to Joplin as markdown and new clips made with the Joplin web clipper.

Here's my result:

How I did it:

  • I made a new notebook called "Portrait Overview"

  • In the new notebook I made a new note called "Overview".

  • In Overview, using the markdown editor (important!) I created this code block:

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:Portraits
fields: title, image
alias: title AS Title, image AS Image
sort: created DESC
  • "search" says to search my Portraits notebook.

  • "fields" says to display the note title and image, By default you get the first image on the page. You can specific an image size, but the default works for me.

  • "alias" controls the table header fields in your results; in my case I just wanted to capitalize the field names.

  • "sort" says to sort the results by the created date in descending order.

  • Once the file is created, then click "create note overview" in the Tools menu to generate the results.

  • Use the "Toggle edit view" button in top right corner until you get the nice single pane display with the Joplin icons.


There are also options for the plugin that control things like how often it refreshes the overview results; see the ReadMe file for more information.

The overview works great on my iPhone and iPad as well though it took a few minutes for all the images to download after the first sync.