Shortcuts Overview


I reworked the Shortcuts Overview a little bit, added a few, probably pretty obvious commands to the overview for the sake of completeness >_<
And I also came across a shortcut (ctrl + k, to find next occurrence of a selected string) that doesn't seem to work anymore, even though the shortcut ctrl + shift + k, for opposite direction works. It was replaced by Hyperlink.


Notebook Basic Tasks

action shortcut
new note ctrl + n
new todo ctrl + t
insert 09/03/2019 16:20 ctrl + shift + t
search in current note* ctrl + f
search in all notes* f6
goto anything ctrl + g
open in external (default text) editor ctrl + e
synchronise ctrl + s
close joplin ctrl + q


  • word1 word2: marks all words listed,
  • wor*: marks all words beginning with 'wor',
  • "word1 word2": marks all strings with this character order

*uppercase / lowercase irrelevant

Text Formating

action shortcut
bold ctrl + b
italic ctrl + i
code ctrl + ยด,
ctrl + `
comment <!----> select text, ctrl + #
{[("'parenthesis etc. around selected text'")]} select text and type ", (, [ or {

Paragraph Editing

action shortcut
indent / dedent paragraph tab
shift + tab
move paragraph / table cell up / down alt + arrow up / down
duplicate paragraphs under each other alt + shift + up / down
write at multiple positions at once hold ctrl, select positions
find next occurrence of selected string ctrl + k,
ctrl + shift + k (opposite direction)
insert template ctrl + alt + i (to create a template go to File/Templates/"Open template directory">write template as .md)

Movement and Selection

action shortcut
scroll up and down without moving cursor ctrl + arrow keys up / down
move by word ctrl + arrow keys left / right
move to start / end of line alt + arrow keys left / right,
home / end
move to start / end of file ctrl + home / end
selection by character hold shift, arrow keys left / right
selection by word hold shift + ctrl, arrow keys left / right
selection from cursor to the start / end of the line hold shift + alt, arrow keys left / right or
hold shift, home / end
delete word from cursor to the end of the word ctrl + del
delete word from cursor to the start of the word ctrl + backspace
delete line from cursor to the end of the line alt + del
delete line from cursor to the start of the line alt + backspace


action shortcut
goto title ctrl + shift + n
goto notebook sidebar ctrl + shift + s, arrow keys up and down
goto note list ctrl + shift + l, arrow keys up and down
goto note body ctrl + shift + b
goto options ctrl + ','
toogle section under heading f2
toggle sidebar f10
toggle layout ctrl + l
vertical scrolling shift + mousewheel