Is there any keyboard shortcuts in Joplin (for example how to add a link, etc.?)
If there are, where can I find them?
Is there any keyboard shortcuts in Joplin (for example how to add a link, etc.?)
If there are, where can I find them?
All available shortcuts are visible by checking the menu - for example “Ctrl+T” to add a to-do, “Ctrl+N” for a new note, etc.
Ah, okay. But it doesn’t have keyboards shortcuts for adding “Markdown styles”. Like images, links, bold, etc.?
for that, I think a request has been made here. the wysiwyg editor should provide such a functionnality. (i suppose)
in my opinion, keyboard shortcuts would be a good enough first step, and probably easier to implement than new UI. Selecting text and pressing ctrl+b
to make the text bold, for example - the same ways it works in many places, including this forum.
Switching the editor to a full WYSIWYG one would probably be too much work, although it’s not impossible it will happen at some point.
In the meantime, an intermediate solution would be to extend the existing toolbar with new buttons, eg. Bold, Italic, Links, etc. and associate shortcuts with them.
Yeah, that sounds like the best solution. If this would happen these are the ones I would like to see (only my opinion)
Those sound great, though I’d also vote for adding “Mark” functionality. (As suggested here: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/457 )
Shortcuts for common md strings that are tedious to type would be handy:
shortcuts to move between the zones please - search shortcut, list shortcut, note editor shortcut - in fact tab should go to just those 3 places. thanks!
I find the templates useful for this. I’ve just made a few variations of tables, and easily insert them into a note with Alt+Ctrl+i
or from the menu
+ Shift
+ A
for Attach is used commonly in other places, consider that combination.
I resume this thread to asking for a keyboard shortcut for highlighting text
I mean ==highlighted==
I miss it a lot!
Not sure this is the place to post this, but I have a suggestion regarding application level hotkeys (i.e., hotkeys which are active even when the window isn’t even open). I see we have Ctrl+Alt+J to bring up Joplin. This is good, but I would like to see something like what Evernote supports:
Thanks for your consideration
I suggest that the student that will be responsible for the Custom Keyboard Shortcuts GSoC’ idea, should take in consideration this post, to attend the suggestions presente here that are not yet implemented.
Carlos Abreu
This would be super useful to me, game changing
It would be great to have two shortcuts, one to create notes from a template (right now there is only a shortcut to append a template to an existing note) and one to copy the current note’s ID into the clipboard. I try to mouse around as little as possible!
I second that!
A global hotkey to create a new note in a pre-defined notebook is crucial for a desktop notebook app. It’s nice if the hotkey is configurable.
BTW Shift-Cmd-T (insert the date and time) doesn’t work in the title area.
i found the shortcuts under the "go" menu item - any idea why ctrl-shift-L would not work for me? the other two seem to work on windows app?
well now it seems to be working - no idea why it glitched - thanks anyway!