Plugin: Sidebar plugin bundles [v0.5.5][2023-04-09]

Maybe you can solve this problem by showing the location of the note, then find him and preview it through the search function, or add clicks to jump to the relevant note.

Small advice.

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The problem is it is difficult to know when the task was done. Apparently, the official markdown does not support it.

Although the plugin can record the finished time for each task, the problem is reliability because there is no unique ID for each task. Any part of a finished task can be changed when users edit their notes.

Yes, I use daily notes to plan my working days, so I make the journal date as the tasks' default date. If I plan to do T1 on D1, and T2 on D2, then I will put T1 and T2 in D1's daily note and D2's daily separately.

However, I admit it's a bit counter-intuitive. I will make it as an option (disabled by default) in the settings in the next release.

No, i just leave it where it is... I don't care about them any more when they are finished. :laughing:

Yes, it is possible. I'll write it down first.

Yes, the documentation, new ideas, feedbacks, and pull requests are all welcome on the Github!


Thank you for this clarification. It's not necessarily counter-intuitive, it's just a choice of use. It's just that, for people using explicit scheduling with //2022-09-12, it would be more logical to see in "inbox" all the unscheduled tasks. At present it is necessary that the todo without planned date are out of the journal notebook to see them in "inbox".

Great ! Thanks

Feedback is in progress ;-). I will also see if I can free up some time for documentation.

Why aren't the other first-level headings blue?

The blue color in the sidebar means your current position. If you create a long note with lots of headers, you can see it changes when you scroll the note.

No, it doesn't work, he's always in the first position.

What am I supposed to do?

Another thing that I think is just as important is that a half-size Joplin is not big enough to display the plugins panel.

Can he hide the edges and click to complete the jump?
Like this.

What does your note look like? You need to wait for about 100ms after stopping scrolling.

I can add a shortcut/button to show/hide the sidebar panel instead. Floating plugin panel breaks the Joplin's plugin design.

Then you should try my another plugin: joplin-plugin-enhancement. It almostly provides live-preview feature for the markdown editor, and you can hide the pdf preview.

Still not working.



Try to append more content after # test2 and scroll it.

That's right. I have the same behavior. I didn't notice it until now. Even with more text under the title...

Hi @SeptemberHX

While I think about it. Some internationalization requests.

  1. Allow the calendar to show Monday as the first day and not just Sunday.

  2. Allow to display character count instead of words in the status bar.

These two things are not a priority but would be very handy. :wink:

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Still not working.


I created an issue on github for better bug tracking: Outline 不随着滚动高亮显示当前标题 · Issue #7 · SeptemberHX/joplin-plugin-bundle · GitHub

Please provide the necessary information mentioned in Outline 不随着滚动高亮显示当前标题 · Issue #7 · SeptemberHX/joplin-plugin-bundle · GitHub on the github issue page.

By the time I get back here, the problem is solved! :+1:

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I love the idea of the daily notes plugin to continue to get further away from obsidian. Is there a way to get JUST that part of the plugin and not the bundle?

It is possible to activate only the subplugin that suits you.


V0.5.0 is published.

  1. New: Joplin-plugin-readcube-papers is added. Disabled by default.
    1. Show paper details connected to current note
    2. Show your paper annotations in list for copying & citing
    3. Show your paper's references in list
  2. Fix:
    1. Outline: header does not change to current position when scrolling
    2. History: trail bugs @alondmnt
  3. Change:
    1. Daily Note:
      1. setting for using note title as tasks default date or not
      2. allow new created daily notes in todo note type (disabled by default)
    2. Inline Todo:
      1. withProject filter to filter out tasks without project
      2. New search tab:
        • Use @Project, +tag1, //2022-09-09 to search with project, tag, and date
        • Use @, +, and // to find tasks without project, tag, and date
        • Case-insensitive search
    3. Status Info Bar: allow use char count instead of word count (disabled by default)