Plugin: Recent notes, shortcuts, scratchpad, and .... in a single sidebar

That's the Ohmine Dark Theme. It has since been deleted and its successor, the ReMoods Theme, is no longer maintained.

If those linked threads don't answer your questions, you can try asking them in the ReMoods theme thread.

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Hello. I had asked that question to a user named Muzak. I had asked about the theme he used for the Joplin application based on the visual he shared.

The lack of a backup option is indeed quite troublesome. Because manually re-entering 50 or more recorded notes after reinstalling the application is a significant time loss. Are you considering taking steps in this regard?

Thank you so much!

It should be worth to consider. But it won't happen soon. I still have a few extensions pending for updates...

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Okay. Thanks for the responses. Good luck!

v0.3.0 released

New Features

  • Import/Export Shortcuts

Bug Fix

  • Backlinks should not show the current viewing notes

Critical Changes

  • Migrated to React and Tailwind



@Medullitus The import/export shortcuts feature has been implemented. Please let me know if there has any problem with it.


This is great, my bro! But you know what's even more important? Valuing each user's feedback without calculating the ratio and not forgetting those feedbacks. Good luck on your journey!

Hi @benlau, thanks for the improvements.

I tested the import/export here with a few shortcuts:

  • It exported to a file as expected
  • All existing shortcuts were then deleted to test the import function
  • On attempting to import the shortcuts again, it returned this error: "Invalid shortcuts file. Please check the file content and try again"
  • I include the contents of the json file below, in case it helps you with debug

Joplin 2.14.16 (prod, linux)

    "version": 1,
    "shortcuts": [
            "id": "fd43ba75224e4475b2a8a29662e1c008",
            "title": "Inbox",
            "type": "FolderLink"
            "id": "60e8dad835974befba1c03187d98d22c",
            "title": "🔍 To Dos",
            "type": "NoteLink",
            "isTodo": false,
            "isTodoCompleted": false
            "id": "db5269ae9d12484caab7727ed736be08",
            "title": "🔍 Recently Updated",
            "type": "NoteLink",
            "isTodo": false,
            "isTodoCompleted": false
            "id": "ffc86962b2d34474bb774b52d3f07373",
            "title": "Test Note",
            "type": "NoteLink"
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Thank for reporting. I will fix it asap.


Release 0.3.1

Bug Fix:

  • Import shortcuts may not work
  • Reorder shortcuts is not saved
  • The border of text editor inside Note dialog was appeared

@johano Here is the fix. Thanks for reporting and please feel free to let me know if it has any more problems.


Thanks for the fix, it's working well here now.

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Release 0.4.0


New Features

  • Outline Tool
    • Show a Table of Content of the selected note
    • Support to copy the link of the section


  • Daily note - it will find a note with title containing the current date text as the today note

Bug Fix:

  • Unable to disable a tool
  • Unable to save the tool order
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Hello @benlau,

Your bug fix for disabled tools still showing in the panel works as expected here, and has corrected the problem.

Also, changes to the order of tools in the panel is preserved when Joplin is shutdown and reopened.

The Outline tool is a great addition, thanks!

Great work, your plugin is much used here (in Scotland) daily!

Joplin 2.14.16 (prod, linux)

Other feedback:

As vertical space is valuable in your panel, do you think the Note Title is needed in the Outline Section, considering that the Note Title the outline refers to will be visible to the user in the editor or preview pane?


The right-click link to copy a heading in the Outline Tool works good, but most often (?) the copied link might be used in another note to target this location, and so might need more context, for example, perhaps:

Current implementation

[Example Heading](:/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#example-heading)

Possible implementation

[Note Title - Example Heading](:/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#example-heading)

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@benlau, a minor bug in the Outline tool. It will not jump to a heading that starts with a Unicode symbol, example:

# 🔴 Important note

The Outline tool you added to DDDot, has allowed the removal of a full panel to manage Outlines, and preserves space in the Joplin interface :+1:

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Thank you for your feedback! That is amazing to get response quickly.

Good question. I also doubt the need for the note title. The purpose of the item is to allow scrolling to the top of the note. (P.S. Known issue: Doesn't work with RTF editor. Will be fixed in the next release). Copying the note link is a by-product that is not necessary. I have considered using an icon button next to the "Outline" header, but it is too small, which is inconvenient when users are moving between sections.

If you have a better alternative solution, please feel free to suggest.

Good suggestion. But I would like to keep the header at the beginning. How about `Example Heading @ Note Title ?

May be we need an option to allow select the format

ohohoh, I will fix it in next release. Thanks for reporting.

Do you mean the note view should jump to the start of the note when the Note Title is clicked? That would be very useful, as often the first heading may not be at the start of the Note. Here at the moment: the secondary-mouse-button-click on the Note Title here copies the link (which is useful), but the primary-mouse-button-click on the Note Title has no effect.

Example Heading @ Note Title seems a better format to me, keeping the more essential information at the beginning, but this is probably something every user will have their own preference about.

Thanks, for your continued good work.

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Release 0.4.1

New Feature

  • Outline - Added a button to "Resize Height to Fix Content"


  • Outline - Copied link will now contains the note title
  • Supported to show tooltip on the extra buttons per tool

Bug Fixes

  • Outline - Unable to handle unicode heading
  • Outline - Unable to scroll to the top of the note inside RTF Editor
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Quick update! :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for the fix for Unicode headings. Jump to the start of a note by clicking title now good here also.

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v0.4.2 released

New Features

Outline Enhancements:

1.1. Auto-Resize Mode
1.2. Link Filter

Auto-Resize Mode

The Outline tool now supports an auto-resize mode. Previously, the outline had a fixed height, and users could adjust it by dragging the border or clicking the "Resize Height to Fit Content" button. With the new auto-resize mode enabled, the outline will automatically adjust its height based on the number of items detected.


You can enable or disable the auto-resize mode in the settings.

Note: The "Resize Height to Fit Content" button will not be visible when Auto-Resize mode is enabled.

Link Filter

The Outline tool can now display more than just headings; it can also show links within the note. To configure this, go to Settings > DDDot > Include URL with schemas (comma-separated, e.g., http, https, file). Here, you can specify the types of links you want to appear in the Outline.


Remarks: Only link in [Title](link) format will be shown


This plugin is quickly becoming my absolute Joplin favourite plugin. Just wanted to share some love and appreciation for your work. It is just a joy to use, fast and responsive too. Toggling on/off is instantaneous... maybe it will slow down over time after adding more shortcuts? However, atm it just seems the perfect companion for the full screen editing experience I am often after! What a lovely thing you created!

I have a few feature requests, but I wonder if it's even possible to implement them?

  • Drag a note from a tab of the "note tab" plugin to the shortcut panel
  • Drag a shortcut into a new tab to open the shortcut in a new tab
  • "Control + click" on shortcut/recent to open the wanted link in a new tab
  • Add the currently edited note into the shortcut panel via "Command Panel"
  • CSS customization

And then...

I wonder if there could be a way to display the sync stats at the top of DDDot (not the sync button, just the stats)... that way by combining DDDot and the Command Panel to delete and move the notes, one may decide to keep the 2 main side panels collapsed more often than not, as DDDot would display the most important info in just one panel, and it's so fast to toggle, too. I guess this idea may be a little too specific? Or what do you think?

Thanks so much for DDDot!


  • One more... it'd be great if Recent Notes would also be updated with the notes displayed/created on mobile
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