PDF render too slow on linux

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.20 (prod, linux)

Идентификатор клиента: 4fd447ce3c8247f2b231b16d3bfc22ec
Синхронизированная версия: 3
Версия профиля: 47
Поддерживаемая связка ключей: Нет

Изменения: 8199362

Backup: 1.4.2
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3
Email Note: 1.2.2
Email Plugin: 1.0.0
Joplin Batch: 0.2.2
Joplin Disk Usage: 1.2.0
Joplin Note Attachement rename: 1.2.2
Math Mode: 0.7.1
Note overview: 1.7.1
Note Statistics: 1.0.4
OCR: 0.3.2
Remove Images: 0.0.2
Send snippet to different note: 1.0.0
Text Colorize: 1.2.5

Sync target

Joplin Server


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

About a year ago something changed in the display of PDF in Linux, files began to be rendered much slower than before. Approx 10s on Ryzen 9 5900X! You have to open attachments separately so as not to wait too long. At the same time, in Windows, even on an old laptop, everything is displayed very quickly. Is it possible to somehow change the library for rendering PDF in the built-in editor?

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