There are a few things I missed from Evernote when I started using Joplin. Two concerned being able to compare the information from multiple notes. The first was the lack of detachables notes, but that could be worked around by using external editors. The second concerned the lack of Evernote's view options for the note list, specifically the snippet view which might be similar to what you're looking for:
That's the sort of enhancement provided by plugins in Joplinland. @mablin7's Kanban Board Project springs immediately to mind as an example.
I agree it's a matter of individual preference, and Markdown wasn't really created with indented outlines in mind. @laurent's use of tab indenting makes perfect sense if you're editing notes as text, but that information gets lost in the rendering. For my purposes adding [TOC] and different levels of headings is sufficient as it allows me to navigate when I'm using a rendered note for reference.