For bug reports, please post them on GitHub - Issues · laurent22/joplin · GitHub
If you post a bug report here, we cannot track it and there's a chance it won't be looked at and fixed.
For other support queries please indicate:
- The version you are using. LATEST VERSION is not a version number!
- If it is a sync issue, please let us know what you are syncing with.
- If you report a problem with upgrading, please let us know both versions (from/to).
- If you report a problem with the editor, please tell us which editor you are using (WYSIWYG/Markdown).
- The operating system you are using.
If you can also please provide a log, as described here: https://joplinapp.org/debugging
Posts that do not at least state the version number and operating system will not be answered.
Joplin 1.7.11 (prod, linux)
Client-ID: a4f2255f7a684b709eb733c8998cdf42
Sync-Version: 2
Profil-Version: 34
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Nein
Syncing with Managed Nextcloud
Operation System: Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon 64 bit
Hi! I exported a notebook with 15 notes from Evernote and imported as MD. The notebook is displayed but only contains 4 notes. When I export the notebook from Joplin I get 15 .md files. So it all seems to be there, but 11 notes are not showing up in Joplin. What am I doing wrong?