Markdown Editor shows vertical white (blind) stripe

Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32)
Client-ID: a0ee01c9eb5f44a28c9264c775fc0b42
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 41
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja
Revision: c2a6a13
older Versions of Joplin have the same issue.

Windows 10

The Markdown Editor (I hope, this is the correct name for the editor that likes to be on the left side) shows always a vertical white stripe (from top to bottom) which is about 1 1/2 digit broad "blind . Its near the left border, about 1 1/2 letters are visible, next 1 1/2 letter not.

Its independent from:
-Wether only markdown editor or also richtext are shown, richtext no problem).
-Size of screen or zooming does not change the stripe.
-Changing the font does not help.
-When scrolling the stripe does move with the rest of the text.
-No stripe-issue on the handy-joplin, when I synchronize the note to the handy.

I am new to this forum and found no way to send a screen shot.
Please excuse my faulty english.
Thank you for help.

I think you have installed a plugin that is causing the error. I think it was the plugin around details or section folding.

Persistent text folding I believe and its interaction with the editor width.

@toggeler If you are using the text folding plugin then you will need to set the editor width to 0 (Appearance > Editor maximum width).

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Thank you, Daeraxa and Jack Gruber,
you both solved my problem, it was the folding plug-in.

I had the same issue and sometimes it comes back (I think whenever I install a new plugin but I haven't tested) if it does, just set it to 1, hit apply, then back to 0 and hit apply and it'll fix it again!

Thank You Imperial_Squid for your answer. Until today the issue did not come back, but I did not install other plugins however.

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