When I click "Synchronize," nothing happens - almost as if the button is just a button that isn't supposed to actually do anything. I've tried two different wifi networks, and I've completely closing and re-opening the app. It doesn't to a synchronization on open, either.
Could be - would be nice if they had a status page for us to see without needing to make a forum post like it's 1990 lol
Restarting my machine also did not work. So I decided to dig deeper, and it looks like Joplin Cloud is hosted on AWS in France at IP Address, and indeed requests are timing out when I ping that address.
Sorry for the troubles. Joplin Cloud is under maintenance for a database upgrade and it's taking a bit longer than expected. I will report back here once it's live.
Joplin services go down very infrequently, but their statuses should be discoverable when they are down. Compared to the existing unbranded link alone, implementing these suggestions would make finding the status page easier:
Joplin Cloud Pro customer here.
It's true that your service goes down very infrequently as muzak said, but please, would it be too much to ask to add a link to the status page from the main website (the current URL is, needless to say, impossible to remember) and also providing notifications for such (hopefully planned) maintenance events on Mastodon and other social networks?
As quoted above, I've made that suggestion in October 2023. I don't think it's too much to ask. Just a link labeled "Status" toward that page, either on top or at the bottom, but somewhere on the home page. And a posting on social media to let us know that some downtime could be expected. That's all. We're not asking for refunds, or anything. Just a bit of courtesy.
It should be live again and everything seems to be working as expected. The database upgrade required rebuilding the indexes which was unexpected and took a long time. Apologies for the inconvenience and please post back here if you still notice issues.
Hello, paying customer here, when things weren't syncing this morning and I couldn't find any reports indicating as to why anywhere I decided to switch to syncing on dropbox since I had no idea how long things might be down or if they would ever come back, since nothing was posted to any of the social accounts (twitter/x, mastadon, the forum, etc.); that took about 2 hours for the initial sync from my fairly new phone on a pretty fast fiber connection; I'm not sure why it needs to take so long sync or even why it needs to sync almost 6000 "remote deleted items" as it's first priority, could we just sync the non-deleted items first and then do all the other stuff later in the background so I can get back to work? I was thinking about switching back to Joplin cloud now that it's working but if it's going to take a couple hours of keeping the phone awake I'm not sure it's worth it (that's a reference to when I first synced to the new phone a few months ago, it seemed to pause the sync when the screen was off, but maybe I was mistaken);
I found Joplin after Evernote lost their way and couldn't be bothered with implementing fairly basic features that had been requested for years and Bending Spoons bought it and did their whole interface "update" with an almost useless search function; My thought was: "What was wrong with the way it was before?" Evernote was almost perfect for my use case and switching to Joplin was a bit of a step down in usability, which I understand is due to being a less well funded, younger product;
I wish we could get some small tweaks to the interface in Joplin to make it more useful, at least for me, but I haven't taken the time to get involved or post suggestions; I wish there was a way to make customized tweaks to a product like this to make it "just right" but alas I'm not a programmer so that probably won't be happening; It kind of sucks how programs like these become embedded in our lives and become such a part of our daily work routine and work flow, because if someone decides to take the project in a different direction than we like it's "too bad";
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, I appreciate what the Joplin team is doing, it's the best I've seen, at least for how I use a note app; Thanks for listening, if you did, I'll figure out how to make some suggestions and ask some questions someday; Cheers!
There was a short interruption of service just now but it's working again. I'm monitoring it to be sure but I expect it should just work as usual from now on. If you still notice any issue though please let me know.
Thanks everyone for your feedback and patience yesterday during the downtime. I've now changed the Joplin Cloud error page so that it provides more information, including the link to the status page: