Joplin Cloud Published note all width not shown

I am using Joplin Cloud to publish a calendar for colleagues to view:

The problem is, on a smaller screen (or for smaller browser windows) not all of the table width is shown and there is no scroll bar to be able to see it (I am using Firefox)

The markdown for April is shown below

Any ideas on how to get around this, please?

I changed 'Editor Maximum Width' to 0 in the settings on my Win 10 Joplin desktop but made no difference (perhaps unsurprisingly?)

There is also a huge wasted left hand margin on the published note viewed in FF


# 2022
## April
|Week|<div style="width:200px">Monday</div>|<div style="width:200px">Tuesday</div>|<div style="width:200px">Wednesday</div>|<div style="width:200px">Thursday</div>|<div style="width:200px">Friday</div>|Sat|Sun|
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Thanks for the report, could you add an issue on GitHub about it please?

Have just added issue :white_check_mark:
Issue #6379

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