Is there A Memory Limit to Joplin?

Is there a memory limit (database size limit or page size limit) to Joplin?

Linux Ubuntu 16xxxx
Joplin 2.4.9 / Sync Version 3 / Profile Version 39 / Revision bb44c4e
Thunar 1.6.11


the database can hold more than enough data

Maximum database size according to Implementation Limits For SQLite is 281 terabytes.

The limit is rather dependent on the resiurcen of your computer (CPU / RAM).
When I add new tags or move notes, it takes about 1 second.

For example:
I have about 6000 notes and 1760 unique tags and this has been assigned 19325 times.
Joplin is on my office computer (i7 11700k, 64 GB RAM, m2 SSD) much faster then on my notebook (i5-8250U, 8 GB RAM, SATA SDD). When I add new tags or move notes, it takes about 1 second on the notebook.

But the speed also depends on the type of use, number of installed plug-ins, etc.

page size limit

I have few very large notes (Very much text), but mobile this was more of a problem. With the current beta editor this has become better.

But there are people here who have much more notes in joplin.

Thank you! Your answer was very helpful.

What is the impact in joplin performance having so many plugins installed? As the amount of my notes is increasing day after day, and having almost 35 plugins installed, this similar question comes to my mind. I have already made a revision by uninstalling those plugins that seemed very useful but that I practically didn't use. And understanding that this impact it depend on the type of plugin installed, but I would like to ask to those who has so many notes how is this impact having so many amount of plugins installed at the same time.

Some plugins definitely seem to have an effect on performance. Might be worth having a look at this discussion on GH.

Each plugin has some memory overhead since they all run in separate processes. Last time I check in was on the order of tens of megabytes.
Everything else depends on what a plugin is doing.

Thanks @roman_r_m & @Daeraxa this info answering my questions.

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