
Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

The current one.

Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

Hi on my Windows PC I have all Joplin Data. - Synchroniziation is finished - So all data now must by on the Joplin Cloud. (I used the medium cloud-option, where all of my data can be kept up)
So when I now Sync on my iPad I get the error:
Sync target lock error: SyncLockGone.
Original error was: Error 504 Gateway Time-out:

See screenshot ipad_Time-out.jpg


Hi, Can you confirm that no other device except iPad is in the process syncing?

Yes there is no other device synching. What puzzles me that synching with my Windows system and my Apple MacBook is working like a charm.

But whenever it comes to synching on my iPad I get a 504-timout-Error.

I also deinstalled Joplin on my iPad. Then made a reboot. After installing Joplin again with the Joplin-cloud, the error-message still pops up.
I also looked in the log-info: Still of no use, to get closer to a solution: It's the same info as on the screen.

is there possibility that the ipad is working on very slow/flaky network connection (i.e. corporate, mobile, rural, satelite etc)? can you try syncing iPad on the same network as your windows PC?

Yes it is the same network.
Here is the complete logfile after I installed Joplin again and set the Joplin-Cloud-Info properly:

mobile-log.log (9.0 KB)

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Now in my iPad it is working.
Solution: On Topic: Synchronisation. Check "Synchronize only with WiFi". (I have german version and I translated this topic)

Background: When being at home, and Wifi can be an used, it won't to used unless you state explicitely "use wifi".