Happy Birthday Joplin!

In another post someone included a link to Joplin's GitHub Download Stats.

I noticed that the first released version on the list was 0.10.19. This appeared on 20NOV17, four years ago today. :cake:

Just for the heck of it I downloaded that version and ran it in a VM. On the surface it still looks a bit like the Joplin we have now but when you look at what it can (or rather can't) do you can really see how far Joplin has developed over the past four years.


Indeed it looks like it, although the dates seem to be a bit strange because for example v0.10.20 was apparently released 3 days before 0.10.19, which makes no sense. I think there's a GitHub bug that means release dates are not quite correct (I've noticed the same issue on the joplin-android repo too).

Bug or not. Happy Birthday! And thank you!

Yes, Happy Birthday Joplin!!
This project is one of the most impressive collaborative project I know. Congrats and thanks to Laurent of course but also to all people contributing, what a great job!

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Happy Birthday and thanks for making this awesome Notes & To-Do app!

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