ENAMETOOLONG error when importing md or html files

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.14 (prod, darwin)

Client ID: c629dc55ed3f43498fe2bef49db49e03
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 05cf51e

Backup: 1.4.1

What issue do you have?

When importing notes exported from Bear App in markdown or html format that contain long http url links, the import fails with the error message "ENAMETOOLONG: name too long, stat (very long https url)... " . Based on the number of notes imported matching the number I targeted, it does import the text of the notes, but it is having problems importing attachments.

I found the file causing the error, and confirmed it contains the long URL. Looking at the side of the joplin-desktop resources folder compared with the source's total attachment file size, I can tell it barely imported any file attachments. Source if about 7 GB and the Joplin resources folder is around 600 MB.

I'd love to switch to Joplin if I can get the import to work.


Log file

log.txt (1.05 MB)

I don't have a direct answer to the problem, but rather an alternative approach. You could import your notes with jimmy. Here are the instructions for the import from Bear:


I can't guarantee that the import works with this big file size (and that jimmy works on mac at all). The import was implemented on a small example file only. If you have any problem with this workflow, feel free to ask me.

For reference: There was a related thread a few years ago: How to get Joplin to apply Tags from a Bear Notes import?. jimmy should be able to import tags properly.

Would you mind sharing the file that cannot be imported? You can remove any information in it, just leaving that long Facebook url and the text around it

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(93) APOCALECTRO Denver, CO- World's First Zombie Paint Party 2013 20131019.md (31.1 KB)

Here is the file. I removed some info between the title and the error area, but that is the majority of it.


I got past the ENAMETOOLONG errors, of which there were 3

1 - From note that was originally a webclip from Evernote. I found the original .enex file and was able to import the problem note from there.
2 - Incorrectly formatted tag in an exported as md Bear note. It looks like I pasted the title and beginning of one note one the tag ( # sign plus text ) in the Bear note. Removing the extra text from the source document and re-exporting as md fixed it.
3 - A note that was originally a webclip in Bear and exported as md. I removed it from the exported Bear folder and am trying to web clip it with Joplin's web clip utility. Joplin is timing out whenever I try to clip it. It's just an overrally difficult Reddit thread page. Here is the link if anyone wants to give it a go.

I was able to import all of my notes, minus the
exception that I noted above, using the .enex files from Evernote and the markdown files from Bear notes app.

It would have saved time to not have had to work around the ENAME error, so It might be worth investigating.

I’ll keep the problem notes available in case you wish to see them for t/s purposes.

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