If anyone else makes use of the emojis like I do I would love to see them!
(As you can see, I do use the numbering technique to custom-sort notebooks, I'm considering developing a plugin for that, it's a feature I've wanted since the beginning.)
Not directly related but I once made a cheap little CSS hack to get custom notebook ordering by using a leading character and making it not display: Share your CSS - #296 by Daeraxa
The combination of your font and emojis is interesting.
I did do that on my Raindrop.io, for boosting a wide range imagination into a topic, but never do that to my Joplin notes because I felt too many emojis are kind of annoying sometimes when I want to make things tidier. So, in my case, I only use several emojis to mark notebook status, and most of my notebooks are just using the basic folder icons.
Not directly related but I once made a cheap little CSS hack to get custom notebook ordering by using a leading character and making it not display: Share your CSS - #296 by Daeraxa
Thank you! This is awesome. I have nothing against cheap hacks. I wanted to try my hand at plugin dev but I'll probably just keep trying to squash bugs.
It's interesting what others consider tidy. I spend a lot of time theming things (custom gtk and Dark Reader themes, etc) and picking fonts and things like these emojis. To me cute is tidy. Especially since every single notebook has one, if only some had emojis and some didn't it would drive me crazy. I could see how they could be distracting but they actually help me recognize the notebook and remember what's in it instantly.
I do like to add a bit of my personality to my desktop experience, I get that "cute" is not everyone's cup of tea, but it makes my apps feel more home-y and familiar.
What I mean by tidy is talking about lines, shapes, and colors, it can help logically thinking.
Actually, I use icons and emojis just depends on the final output of what I'm doing. If I want to make something creative, I can't live without emojis and icons. Just like you said:
I have the same feeling as you when I'm working on Raindrop. Especially Raindrop has provided a great icons library, currently fitting about 400 of my topics without a duplicate, it's really cool!
I think I am just more concerned about why and when to use a tool, but I'm not mean to disagree any about the thing you've created. I am just to tell what's in my mind when I read the post.
I guess that's what I meant? Maybe I'm using "cute" differently than most, perhaps "elegant" or "beautiful" is more appropriate. I need beauty in my physical surroundings as well to help my logical thinking. If I glance away from my monitor and my desk is clean but decorated with visually appealing items in coordinated colors, that encourages order to my thoughts and logic comes more easily to me.
I didn't think you were disagreeing, by the way, this is an interesting discussion.
Umm... Ya, I think this discussion is interesting too. Would you mind to dicribe a bit deeper about you said:
Do you mean that emotion is necessary to boost the quality of your logical thinking? Or you mean the cruve lines, irregular shapes, and colorful patterns, can driectly generate the results for you?
To me, any unstable visuals would made me difficult to stay focused on details, but it works great of drive me adopt to a wide range overview.
Are those items have deeper meanings in your memory? Or only about the appearance?
My thinking mode is revealed by my desk: Cluttered when generating concepts, spotless when focusing on details.
That is actually a good question. I've always been a weird hybrid of left and right-brain thinking, creative and artistic but also logical. I'm not sure if emotion so much boosts the quality of the thinking, as gets me into a state of flow and motivation. Tweaking css colors in a website's theme (or even making a physical collage offline) is on a continuum with writing a function in Python or troubleshooting a Linux problem. Maybe it all comes down to what triggers the reward system in my brain? I don't know.
Are those items have deeper meanings in your memory? Or only about the appearance?
My thinking mode is revealed by my desk: Cluttered when generating concepts, spotless when focusing on details.
Definitely appearance rather than memory. Question for you; does looking at the clutter on your desk help you come up with concepts more easily? Or is it just a product of the way your mind is working at the moment? Does the clutter distract you?
I, too, use icons for the notebooks just for fun, not for increased useability. And I just discovered a place to download free icons (icons8.com), so I'm not limited by Joplin's built-in set.
That's awesome! I've been a tough time trying to turn myself to be like this but it just doesn't work. It seems like there is a lock in my brain that blocks some of the processes between my left and right brain, but it's fine to work independently. However, it always made me seem weird to others when I frequently switch between two modes.
I think the "reward" seems more likely is an emotionally based power for you. But to me, the "reward" is a physical-based power, is about the whole atmosphere around me, which can directly put me in the state in a few seconds.
While we both look similar, I think the difference is about how that power works for us. In your case is more likely the emotional power is generated internally and gives you a pull request and asking you for an action. My case is much more relying on a physical object to help me generating the correct emotion. I don't know if it's right.
Actually, all the objects around me are a type of information, if there are placing ten different objects, I feel just like there are ten different people who keep talking to me. Any this kind of information is unable to defy, it can directly change my mental state if it's strong enough. This caused me to keep switching the core considerations on the same topic, and it was even directly reflected in my behavior.
at icons8.com, I think only the PNG format at around 64x64 pixels is free for download. I'm not sure what you mean by where i put them, but I just download them to my Downloads folder on my laptop. After I apply them to be notebook icons, then I just deleted them.
One question: wich format are joplin icons and where to put them?
I actually just downloaded the Joplin icon image from the Assets folder in the repo. I have a few other icons that were not from icon sites, like the Cattpuccin logo, the Github logo, and the logo for my personal website. Any square PNG/JPG/other image file will work I think. Icons8 is useful though, putting that in my back pocket. I also just like the unicode emojis in general, I use them in texting, emails, anywhere I can.
I feel just like there are ten different people who keep talking to me.
This sounds so overwhelming to me!! It would change my mental state too, but for the worse! Do you like talking to multiple people in social situations too? I consider myself an extrovert but I prefer conversations with one or two people to really get ideas flowing. Maybe four tops but even that is a lot.
I'm the opposite to you, I like to be alone most of the time and talk to people less, but also can be good in social situations(except internet). It completely depends on the atmosphere of the place and person. I will be silent or just walk away if the atmosphere does not seem good for me. My personality covers both extreme sides, but I just can't make them work together.
Lol, you all might cringe at mine. But it looks like I am using just three emojis But it is what works for me. I have some very specific uses for Joplin, and it doesn't contain "everything" (although it does manage my life).
For me, I would struggle with wanting to put emojis on some of those, because they are similar but categorised by year. So I would want them to be the same really. But also, my main reason for not using more is because then the ones I do use, stand out.
Our brains are so interesting with the way they work (and can be trained to work).
I didn't build my GTD system on Joplin, but if I do this, the appreance will look similar to yours.
I think if use the icons well can help me not to lost a focus point even when there are a lots of information in one place. I will always place the icons at the core thinking parts, such as vision, goal, project overview, and focus list.