Any way to use Joplin as Basic Text Editor

Hi, Been using Joplin for a few months now and am using it pretty heavy for all my notes as in work im moving a workgroup to domain model and learning a bit of SQL.

Is there any way of using Joplin just as a basic text editor?? I'm learning how to use basic SQL to move some databases and I'm copying and pasting from SQL Server Management and it doesn't paste it in to Joplin correctly. After each line return it adds 2 line returns in Joplin and I'm spending most of my time tidying up the format in Joplin. So I'm ending up pressing the backspace key twice and then shift and enter which is very time consuming.

So If i copy and pasted this into One Note or Notepad:

FROM HumanResources.Employee
--WHERE JobTitle = 'Design Engineer' OR JobTitle = 'Research and Development Manager';
WHERE Jobtitle IN ('Design Engineer','Research and Development Manager');

It would show perfectly like how i pasted it, but in Joplin i get:


FROM HumanResources.Employee

--WHERE JobTitle = 'Design Engineer' OR JobTitle = 'Research and Development Manager';

WHERE Jobtitle IN ('Design Engineer','Research and Development Manager');

Any way to get this to paste in to Joplin like a basic text editor?


Are you pasting into the markdown or richtext editor?

Oh good lord, I didn't see that button that said toggle editors, even though there seems to be 2 editors now, if i post it in to the left hand pane it pastes the way i want it too.

Cheers for that.

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