Any suggestions on what plugins could be created?

A post was split to a new topic: Plugin to disable sync for folders possible?

A Tooltip Glossary plugin would be awesome. Whenever you mouseover a word that has a note linked to it (maybe the word is the title and the note has a a specific tag), its content (the definition) appears in a floating tooltip.


Two ideas for the RTF/WYSIWYG editor, not sure if either is possible though.

  1. Add (dynamic) TOC support to the RTF editor
    As of now the the RTF editor converts the [toc] markdown keyword to a list of internal links. However, when changing, deleting or adding new headers, the list of links is not updated. The only workaround I found is to create a template consisting only of "[toc]" and manually inserting it at the top of the note (and deleting the "old" static list) whenever there are header changes. Maybe this process could be automated.

  2. Add markdown syntax support to the RTF editor
    e.g. typing "- [some text]" triggers a bullet point formatting

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I really like this idea! I want to stop using PowerPoint so badly and MARP really looks nice!

They also have a VS Code extension, but I have no idea if that means anything w.r.t. the efforts of including it in Joplin.

We have outline pane, favourites pane and pinned notes pane. What about a "note view history pane"? Currently there is only the "back" and "forward" arrows in the tool-line as far as I see. The view history pane should list the recently viewed notes on the device.


Totaly agree with that :wink:

Plugin: Note Tabs this plugin can be configured to "pin" each note that you edit. For me, this seems to be similar to what you are asking.

cc/ @bepolymathe

Yes, maybe we misunderstood each other. I was thinking of the modification history of the files. In a panel showing the differences between file versions it would be ideal.

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I did not think about the file-history but the view-history. What uxamanda suggest is a workaround which is ok, and I currently do things that way, but it requires me to remember to pin a notebook before I leave it.

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I can't remember if this is the default, but I have Automatically pin notes when edited selected in settings. You can also set up a keyboard shortcut for Pin note to Tabs to make it easier to tab things you haven't edited. All that to say, I still think your original idea would be a nice plugin. :slight_smile:

One thing I'd love to see is a daily notice of some kind that gave me a list of all Notes that were either created, modified, or deleted. Sort of a daily digest.


Ah, got it. Thanks for the pointer. I think the only thing missing is the deleted notes. I don't see how that would work or did I miss that?

No, I don't think showing deleted notes is possible.

Thanks, maybe I should start a new thread on this, but another question if you don`t mind: when a note is deleted, is it just removed from the database or is it marked for deletion like windows filesystems do?

Yes, it's gone.

Hi Laurent ,
I really love this app and use it for all my uni and life admin stuff now. I run split view most of the time, because I type in KaTeX and then want to see it worked properly.

I'm not sure if it exists (I've tried looking), but I'd like to be able to click or highlight a word in the viewer pane, and it highlight the same word in the editor. I often get lost moving back and forward between the two. This would help me find where I'm at easier.




Is it a right place to write about plugin ideas or should I create a new post?

Idea: Attachements from other Clouds
Where I saw this: Evernote


Imagine you have many attachements > 200Mb (videos, archives) so it becomes problematic to keep it in a same server you keep your Joplin. For example, Joplin Cloud restriction is 10Gb for Pro plan. Notes without these huge attachements can be less than 10Gb, but with them you would have 100Gb, 1Tb... The performance of Joplin will be affected even if you have such amount of space on your syncing cloud. The only solution is to put your big attachements to another cloud (AWS, Dropbox, Google Drive) and embed a link to this attachement into your note.

The problem is that each cloud has own API and requires authorisation in a case to work with links. It is a very problematic process to create beautiful markdown links manually (you should know how to retrieve a specific link to a file or a folder, you should copy the name of file or folder manually, you should add some pictures to distinguish this link from other links to see that it is attachement and not an ordinar link).

If it was as in an Evernote, a special button or a shorcut to embed a file or a folder from a cloud on your choise (with some way to browse to your file or folder), which creates a beautiful embeded block in note, it would be great.

Additional functionality for this plugin, which I didn't see in Evernote but feel desperatelly I need it - to see all your external attachements in one list with information: name, patch, dates, size. Maybe export it to .csv. Because after creating several hundreds of such links it becomes problematic to manage these attachements.

And if it is a right place, another idea :slight_smile:

Idea: Render markdown headings as spoilers, so you can open and close them
Where I saw this: Obsidian, Roam, Word 2016


It is convenient, when you can close and open text below some headings. It should work with standard headings symbols # ## ### ... If you have some some text under headings you will see triangle on the left of your heading, which you can collapse. The plugin should give you a possibility to collapse and hide all headings at once.

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Good News! :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::balloon::tada: This plugin already exists. It's the Persistent text folding in editor Plugin. It's awesome. The ability to toggle all of the headings is found as a hotkey as well as in the menu under tools.