A markdown outline sidebar plugin for Joplin

Not sure, here are the 2 errors I see at the moment...

    at PluginService.<anonymous> (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.js:262)
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@joplin/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.js:5)
log @ /Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@joplin/lib/Logger.js:181

Probably unrelated to this issue, but might be why I cant update that plugin!

The other error is still related to that malformed URL from before Right Click on Mac - #5 by uxamanda

Looking into warnings, I see lots of them that look like these. Seems to be multiple warnings for the dozen plugins. Let me know if you need more of these.

/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.js:493 Could not find plugin associated with view: plugin-view-outline-outline.panel
/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.js:493 Could not find plugin associated with view: plugin-view-joplin.plugin.benji.favorites-favorites.panel