2024-04-29 - Problems synchronising with the Android app and the Joplin Cloud

The number of conflicts in my Android app has risen again to 194, after I manually cleaned it up from 790 to 0 on 2024-06-16.
Since 2024-06-13, I have been recording the sync status figures for my Android app and my Windows app on a daily basis, and since 2024-06-16, I have also been doing so for my iPad app.
The numbers there raise further questions. For example, each app shows a different number of notes.
I will continue to create and store a JEX export of my data from my Windows app on a weekly basis.
I assume that a first V3 of the Joplin app will be released soon.
I hope that my data will remain clean enough until then, without me having to spend more time on detailed analyses.
The Note Info plugin for Android should also be available by then.
We'll see how the sync status figures develop and whether it will be possible to get my data clean with V3.
In the meantime, I have also found out that certain folders and notes that are shared between Joplin Cloud IDs are unfortunately not shared, contrary to expectations.
If I have to make this discovery with V3 as well, I will create a new post on a new topic of problems with shared folders and notes.