Operating system
Joplin version
Sync target
Joplin Cloud
What issue do you have?
I have Joplin running on three computers (Fedora Linux) and one phone (Android).
Zero real incidences for a very long time. Years.
They sync to Joplin Cloud. Encryption is enabled.
I just added another Android. It will be my "focus device".
Mobile versions for both phones is 3.1.8
Desktop versions for all three desktops is 3.1.24
- I CANNOT get the new phone to sync without error:
Last error: [object Object]
- A number of folders remain encrypted.
- Shut done all instances except the problem phone so that there can't be a conflict during sync
- Uninstalled then reinstalled Joplin on mobile over and over and over again. Resyncing from scratch every time.
- I have tried both entering the one master password and saving and also the master password for each key.
- My Joplin repo is very old and has 4 encryption keys maintained, but 3 of which are disabled.
- I have only ONE master password. I plug that in twice where indicated. The one and only key that is enabled uses that same master password.
- The old keys do have different passwords, I also tried plugging their passwords in individually as well. And still get the same result.
- NOTE: the mobile app does not distinguish between these keys which is a bug IMHO
(filed: disabled keys on mobile are not differientiated · Issue #11486 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub) - And the logs keep talking about a row too big to fit into CursorWindow:
12-07T18:33:07: RevisionService: maintenance:
{"message":"On query {\"sql\":\"SELECT * FROM revisions
WHERE item_updated_time < ?
ORDER BY item_updated_time
DESC\",\"params\":[1725838387440]}: Row too big to fit into CursorWindow requiredPos=920, totalRows=921","code":0}
- How do I …
- (a) troubleshoot what is going on here (see log file),
- and (b) is there a preferred way to start fresh, remove all of these keys and re-encrypt? And is that even recommended?
- or (c) should I wait until v3.2+ is released to do something like a full refresh since it will be moving to a new encryption mechanism?
Note. You often ask for areas of improvement. Here's one: make encryption easy and fix the mobile client in that regard so that both desktop and mobile UIs are more similar. Also, the mobile app can sometimes be so sluggish it seems like it has stopped utterly, when it hasn't. But there is no "I'm thinking" feedback. Like, for example, when I save an encryption configuration. Or even just opening the notebook list sometimes.
I haven't had the heartache that others have had with mobile syncing, but I am seeing it now.
Thanks for any help offered. Note that this is a sizeable but not huge Joplin install: 5000 objects or so and a couple hundred MB.
Attached are the logs for two different installation sessions. The screenshot shows the error that both produce.
mobile-log3.log.txt (1.61 MB)
Log file
mobile-log3.log.txt (1.61 MB)
mobile-log4.log.txt (2.2 MB)