YouTube thumbnail, what is the latest status?

Hi, I saw some earlier discussions about embedding YouTube in notes. In my case, even if embedding is not permitted, it will be nice to be able to have the link to the YouTube video along with a thumbnail--the YouTube titles are often not very informative and a picture tells a thousand words. This would be especially nice if you save a YouTube recipe. Is there a way to do this either through browser plugin or with Joplin plugin? Thanks.

I found a plugin called "Insert YouTube video" that can do this nicely. Thanks to the author!

The only issue I have is that ctrl+clicking the thumbnail doesn't work in editing mode (like with other urls) but only in rendered mode. It would be nice to make the title the hyperlink instead of the thumbnail.

There is another plugin called "Url meta" which can display the metadata of url links in a separate pane. However, I couldn't find a way to copy the info as a nice markdown link to the video.