
It took me a very long time (longer than I'd like to admit) to learn that the button in the upper right corner of the editor was /the/ way to select the WYSIWYG editor. Even searching for variations of "enable wysiwyg editor" in DDG/Google didn't reveal anything other than there IS an editor available.

I was looking on the edit menu, the tools menu, inside of the options, clicking in the preview pane and trying to edit, etc.

This is very clearly obvious after you've done it the first time, but not obvious at all (I thought it would turn off one pane or the other, not switch modes) until you click it the first time.

Suggestion: Add an option in the Edit or View Menu, Make it an option in the Tools->Options menu, and/or one of the landing spots in the CMD/Ctrl+L rotation sequence - the "wysiwyg preview" is a non-editable landing page currently.

Otherwise stellar work!


For what it is worth there is a command you can execute called Toggle editors.

I think adding it to the "rotation" would be a problem because it might put markdown only users onto the richtext editor and end up disrupting some of the formatting.

I have to admit, as somebody who doesn't use that editor, I thought there was already a menu option for it either View or Note but it seems it doesn't.

Thanks - where would I find "Toggle Editors" ? "Toggle Editor Layout" is that Ctrl/CMD+L thing I mentioned above.

It is a command so it is in the command palette ctrl + shift + p.

I see it now - even more hidden :smiley:

I am always searching how to toggle between editors (and two/one panel).
For average user I see two big clumsiness in Joplin:

  • searching (it is really annoying and not conventional)
  • WYSIWYG : Markdown toggle (and one/two panels).

Otherwise, Joplin is a great application. Congratulations to authors.

apart from the fact that ctrl-shift-p under osx invokes the command palette and not the editor, there is no toggle_editor command under osx for any key combination. And the toggle_editor_layout command does clearly something else, but does not switch to the WYSIWYG editor.
Read this thread again, what do I overlook ?

apart from the fact that ctrl-shift-p under osx invokes the command palette

But that is exactly what it is... how else do you enter a command? There is no default keybinding for Toggle Editors and there is a known issue where on keybindings it doesn't work both ways - see related incident Desktop: Command "moveToFolder" when bound to an accelerator only works when focus is on codemirror editor · Issue #6063 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub.

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