Thank you @svenn71 for this comment. It makes me think that it could be interesting to capture a PDF in reading in the browser thanks to the web clipper ( @laurent )
Best feature is the "--profile" flag, nothing more convenient than having the power to decide where your unencrypted notes will rest.
I notice that on my lxqt desktop on linux, the file browser presented when pressing the attachment button does not support downloading from http. I know that the ability to just drag-and-drop URLs are supported on some file managers and others does not implement this well. A common functionality in the web clipper would be good.
- joplin-batch-web : Process some batch operations that Joplin does not support, and display them in the form of a visual interface
@rxliuli Thanks! that tool was quite useful for cleanup. I wish your code were included in the Joplin core
Really loving it. There is so much possible.
At first, sometimes it last 'hours' to scroll to the top or bottom of a long note. With vim just a gg
or G
And the commandline for vim works to, like search n replace :%s/findWord/doReplaceWithThis/g
Dont wanna miss the search mode /
Even visual multiline mode works (dont know how to call it correctly). ctr v
+ select lines u want
+ I
+ enter text/indenting
works. Great for indenting code (in codeblocks) surrounded by enumerations. Doin this in non-vim-mode is a pain in the ***, saves u tonnes of time.
Some tools (such as joplin-plugin-cli and joplin-plugin-api) I think so too, but unfortunately, I think it is impossible to implement all the functions officially. This is why joplin has a plugin system
Shouldn't Joplin core make it easy to detect if some attachments aren't referenced by any notes and make it easy to delete? Why does it have to be a plugin?
In fact, joplin will be deleted after a period of time by default. As for why it is not deleted immediately, this is actually a complicated matter. Refer to:
Joplin automatically cleans up? I didn't know that. I just used your joplin-batch-web tool to clean up images that were several years old. So maybe the auto-cleanup misses some of the attachments.
Thanks for linking to Laurent's post. Good to know.
Admittedly I don't use the Android app very often, but I just discovered that on my phone when I go to share something, the option of sharing to Joplin is there. Amazing. I probably won't use that often, but gosh, that's handy.
Not sure whether or not this qualifies as a hidden feature but if using the Markdown editor the WYSIWYG editor can be used to quickly convert formatted text to markdown. This works well for MS Word and even some Excel documents. When switching back to the Markdown editor you get clean Markdown code. This also works for copying content from web pages and in many cases yields better results than the Web Clipper.
Do you know about the Paste Special plugin? It also helps with that. But as you say the WYSIWYG editor can be helpful with that too.
My loved "hidden" feature is to have different note CSS designs.
I have an CSS file for my Weekly BuJo note, one for my gaming notes and one for everyday stuff.
The everyday notes uses the normal userstyle.css, but for the special notes I have to add a path of the .css file under the note content. But it doesn't really bother me. (Not working on Android, though. But on work laptop and home Desktop)
Coming from EV I've used same tip for cleaing-up some notes.
Do you know that the WYSISWYG editor has a Search & Replace? (ctrl-f on Windows)
Can you give an example of the code you insert? I wonder if tags could be converted into class names somehow to streamline that process.
I only add the path under each "Special" note as to where to find the CSS file. Everyday notes don't need this, as they use the normal userstyle.css then.
First line is for my private PC at home, second line is for my work laptop.
The downside of this: If I change some CSS on my work laptop, I have to make the same change on my private PC, because I use my daily Bujo for work stuff, too.
But with a git repo that's not bothering me very much.
@import url(C:/Users/private/.config/joplin-desktop/userstyle-bujo.css);
@import url(C:/Users/work/.config/joplin-desktop/userstyle-bujo.css);
Amazing. So the css in the imported file overrides all the other, including userstyles.css?
Exactly! It has a higher priority, because it will be loaded in the note after Joplin loaded all CSS files.
Found out through reading in this forum in a very old post. Had to tweak it a little, and now it's working like a charm. Will never want to miss this!