What is the Secret for Default Single Line Spacing?

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Without having to spend my life hitting the SHIFT key to override the default double spacing over and over and over again, what is the good old fashioned way to simply choose single line over 1.5 or 2x line spacing? I need default across-the-board single line spacing on all of my notes.

@michalek welcome to the forum.

You omitted to complete the field that asks what editor you use. However as "double-line" does not appear to be something that happens with the Markdown editor I assume that you are using just the Rich-Text Editor (RTE)?

This post suggests css that can be used to control the line spacing. From the looks of it though you would be using the RTE only as the css seems to cause the Markdown Editor's Render Pane to never display a blank line between paragrahs, no matter how many times the enter key is pressed.

Thank you for your responses, although this is all way over my head. In layman's terms, why isn't there a toolbar option for "Line & paragraph spacing"? Example... like with Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Or an option under a Format tab or some other tab at the top left? In programs like these there have always been one for like the past 30 years or whatever. Either way, if Joplin just chooses to not have that option available, is there a step by step way for a nonprogrammer like myself to be able to follow these steps to get to single line spacing or 1.25 or 1.5?
Thank you again for your help.

In Joplin, go to Tools → Options → Appearance → Show Advanced Settings and click "Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown". The file should open in your default text editor. Copy and paste the whole code from https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/typographical-line-spacing/8071/6 (already linked above) into it, then save changes and exit. Next, restart Joplin (make sure to exit it completely first, including the tray icon).

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