Website Joplin version?

So let me get be clear. A lot of Joplin alternatives have an website version.
What about to create the same Joplin in desktop and try to make a website version note app?

Standart notes working like this for example.
If you can't create website version Joplin notes, why? What cause the problem to make it? webdav api? Connection to databases?

If you can create website version Joplin notes, what stop it from starting? Not enough people? You think it will not work as you want?

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If there was a way to attribute negative stars or hearts, I would add it to your post,

  • for style,
  • lack of friendliness
  • and the last question in particular.

So 90% of Joplin alternatives in web is sucks?

You don't even give a one good quality reason why Joplin can't be in website as other Joplin alternatives.

One answer might be that Joplin is an open source pr oject developed by a very small team. They have to make choices about how and where to spend their time and effort. A web version of Joplin has obviously not yet risen to the top of their to do list. Maybe one day it will.


I agree. I would also like to have a web version of Joplin. But I am also aware that developers have a big to-do list and this isn't high on it.

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Joplin is primarily an offline first application. The syncing features are optional extras, useful as they may be, they're extras.

Some people have 50GB of notes. No web browser is going to let you store 50GB of data because that's a ridiculous amount by most web app standards. I'd expect browser native APIs to cap you well below this for both performance and security (IE preventing a malicious site from making the computer unstable by just removing all free space on the filesystem).


That's not really how web applications work :wink:. I'd assume it could be similar to a webmail client which loads single messages (notes) on demand only. Webmail can store hundreds of GBs if not TBs of e-mail and still remain usable.


But then that's not offline first. A lot of people pick Joplin because it doesn't rely on internet connectivity.

It then opens up attack methods similar to Protonmail where the security of the E2E encryption is dependant upon the web admin not changing the code on you, which they could do at any time, whether intentional or otherwise.


Yeah, obviously it would need to be a separate application from Joplin proper, working in tandem with Joplin Server or Joplin Cloud.

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It's a good answer, I like it. I was thinking about that, the team is small and other stuff.

As I know at least 40% of Joplin on the front-end is already completed. I mean that app for linux and windows is already in javascript + typescript frameworks that can be integrated well with web.

But what about back-end? java?c++? python? php? nodejs? rust? ruby? go?

Outloook email can works with 600 GB in online email, and I can assure you for Joplin 50GB is nothing, if you can set a good back-end architecture who works stable and fine.

Also we can just split the Joplin webapp, PC and mobile between them without any problem.
The Joplin has a good amount of developers, and we really need to split out the teams. And make teams work by each project.
web dev for web, mobile dev for mobile, pc devs for pc.

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If people rely on offline connection, how they sync the notes without it? File sending archives with BT or nfc?

My guess is there will not be an official web app anytime soon, the biggest reason being E2EE. Joplin prides itself on giving the user full control over data, and full privacy.

And that complicates the matter.
You can't 'just' have a web app, because the server (sync target) doesn't have access to the data it hosts.
Sure, you could work around that by implementing a full browser-based client (there already was something like that on this forum), but a) it's a lot of work and b) you'd have to support all sync targets and c) my guess is you'd either have to make a full copy of the notes on the server (thus ruining E2EE), or do a full sync every time you open the web app in a new browser (thus ruining the usability completely).

I can't imagine Laurent wanting to take this on.
(Then again, I might be wrong. These are just guesses on my part.)


You don't need a permanent online connection, just like Outlook with the 600GB of emails can add a draft, put it in the Outbox folder and submit it to the server later.

But the outlook client on your phone is definitely not storing 600GB locally. On my work machine, Outlook stores a year worth of emails by default, and that's 1GB.

That's what I mean by Joplin is offline first. It's explicitly considered the default to not be connected, with synchronisation being an extra. The assumption is every single note is stored on every single client. Similar to something like Git, each Joplin instance is its own backup.

Emails aren't offline first. They literally cannot function without internet.

That's not to say I don't get the appeal of the proposal. But I think the proposal would end up with something very much different to the core Joplin experience, to the point you might as well cast away a lot of the assumptions and start from scratch.


I agree a website version would be great. Potentially this could be a feature limited to Joplin Cloud users, where the cloud already holds a complete copy of their data.
Whilst I like to keep control of all my data, my desire for cross-platform syncing is more important to me and I suspect I'm not alone in that.


As far as I understand, the companion app joplin-vieweb (developed by @gri38), if you are willing to host it on your own, can provide you with a web interface. It already supports an impressive set of features (although some Joplin features are still missing), and seems to be maintained (latest version updated last week). I have no experience with using it or installing it, maybe the technical barriers will be too high for some, but perhaps it will do for you. There's a forum thread here.


This is only viewing capability though.. Would be great to have editing as well. I know there was this talk with someone having a gitlab repo going.. (but I haven't gone through all the messages in this link yet) but the gitlab link is 404.

The answer is: not enough funding. If you would fund the web app, I'm sure the developers will do it. Otherwise just go use whatever notes app that has a web version. Simple.

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