It would be awesome if we can able to lauch JoPlin App in Web. We have huge documents which needs to be published as Read-Only in the server which should be accessed by anyone via internet.
Does Joplin has Web-Interface?
Does Joplin can be hosted in a server?
if not, is it possible to provide a feature for web interface???
Thanks in advance.
I have to say that this is not the functionality of Joplin. You are looking for a content management system.
However, a server component is currently being developed, so maybe something like this could be added. But please understand that Joplin is primarily a note taking app and not a content management or cloud sharing system.
Perhaps a workaround would be to upload the file on your server, Nextcloud, Dropbox, etc. then link to it from a note.
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That’s fine. We can do that.
I understand…But we can make the note as non-editable via password saved in the server like word, zip or any other tools does it. In that way we can make it as protected from saving any unwanted changes to the doc. Publishing to public with editing option would tamper the data. Also, revision history or comparison of changes made will come into picture if editing is provided when hosting is enabled in web
That’s sounds great…Thank you.
Maybe have look at MDWiki:
Maybe it’ll help.
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Same here,
I would support and like a webinterface as well
@kuhnino welcome to the forum.
The original poster's question was mainly about publishing a read-only note to the Internet. This is now possible using Joplin Cloud or a self-hosted Joplin Server. These did not exist at the time of the original post.
At this time Joplin uses cloud storage just as a method to allow notes to be synced between clients. The clients have primary control of the note data not the storage server. This means that a user has a wide choice of third-party cloud storage suppliers to use rather than being required to use a single service as is required for apps such as Evernote.
As an aside, the original post is well over three years old. Could you please avoid "necroposting", especially where the post is essentially just a "me too" comment rather than new, pertinent information. It "bumps" a post to the top of the list where it does not need to be.