Joplin Web - Web application companion for Joplin

Update: joplin-web is discontinued

But you can still fork it from this branch:

You will have to use this nice api and adjust the python API call to be able to make the project running.

Joplin Web companion is a new project started in 2018.


  • You can manage your notes like with the desktop version, add, edit delete notes and tags.

The notes list :

  • displays the tags used by each note and the creation/modification date
  • Is splitted with two tab to get the standard notes and todo quickly

The edition of a note allow you to easily choose the target folder and tag.

You can have a look of several snapshots I made during 2018 below

Under the hood:

  • The project is made in VueJs and Python
  • The project needs Joplin to be started headless
  • A dockerfile is available if you don't feel confortable with Python, to build an "image" of the project and run it (see for more details, or just the readme of the project)


That’s quite nice too. Do you have a demo website or screenshot to see how it looks?

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this looks like this

compared to the render of joplin desktop

But As you can see the body is the same as it’s coming from the same “source” of data.

it’s very very far from the end as I need to deal with the tree folders and tree tags as here all are on the same level. and many many many details.


Le Batman Australien? :slight_smile:

[OT] c’est dans le ton du blog concerné :))

See also my comment in Messy content on NextCloud : how can we come to have joplin integrated into nextcloud for web access ?
I fear your python code will not work in multi-user environment - somehow it would need to know about the profile to be used upon launching the web client ?

Lot of topics...

  1. nextcloud : I don't use it, so I don't plan to do anything for it. And that'd be too much work to do something for it now, may be later (see below).
  2. so this is an app for ourself, can't be used by other guys except you. Why ? Because as long as we won't have a complet Joplin API, I just could use the Joplin terminal command for my own profile.
    So as you point, actually the app need to know your profile path to be useful.
  3. future:
    After that, If some contributions would come next month (for the Hacktoberfest event ), that will be a pleasure.
    And who knows, if a complet API for Joplin come, I'll be glad to adapt the app and add the multi user support.

Nothing is lost everything is possible :sunglasses:

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OK, thanks

A little update :slight_smile:



I made tab for displaying notes/tasks


tab to switch from note to task



note details with a popup when pointing the mouse on the i :wink:


Looking great @foxmask!


This is exactly what I need, but because I’m not a geek with my own server, I use a simple web space with php and the wonderful Nextcloud, that simply works out of the box. But there are no real OneNote alternatives except Joplin and so I’m here.

So a nextcloud app of this would be what I need. But it looks really good.


@Chromax, do you use this php thing locally on Windows? Is it something like XAMPP?

I have a simple web space from a provider for some bucks a month. There is only php and MySQL available. I was very astonished how much is possible with nextcloud without a big server platform to get rid of Google and Microsoft cloud stuff. And it’s damn easy, even noobs like me can extract the nextcloud zip and start the index.php.

With the client apps I can now use my web space like Onedrive or Dropbox, as a OneNote alternative I use Joplin, but there is no client for any OS, so a web interface would be helpful.

Very nice work! this is what I need

With the back end server, do I still need a WebDAV server to sync with iOS client?
or is it that the back end can be used alone to both serve web front end and sync with mobile clients ?

The webapp is just another way to manage his notes, so all the needed requirements for joplin-deskop are the same for joplin-web.

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Now the app is able to find local resources - here is a comparisation between joplin and joplin-web