Any way to edit notes from Web browser?


I know that accessing Joplin from a web browser has been discussed severl times in the post.
So far, it seems that there is no obvious or easy solution to be able to view and edit Joplin notes from a Web browser.

Since Joplin notes use Markdown format, I thought it could be possible to edit notes directly in any text editor (for example through Nextcloud web interface). But it doesn't work.

So my question is: is there any way to view and edit Joplin notes from a web browser?
How do you do guys?

Thanks a lot!

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No not easily possible (No direct support in from Joplin), here in the forum one has published a web interface, what else I would not know.
From the files in the Synctarget you should leave the fingers, unless you know exactly what you do, otherwise it can come to various problems!


Is that a feature Jopli dev team is working on? Ot plan to?

I'm not sure if somthing like this is pland for the Joplin Server, for the other sync traget this does not work, because they do not have backend for for such a usecase.

P.S.: With the Joplinserver it is already possible to share notes on the web, but read only

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