Web Clipper does not download images

Hi everyone,

I regularly use the Web Clipper to save contents to Joplin.
In the past I also clipped contents from a site called "tradingriot" (I'm restricted to posting links here) and all images were saved as well.
Today I tried to save a new article from that site, but the images in the Joplin note are only links to the web links.
As a workaround, I tried to download the complete html page locally and clip the article from local. Only difference is, that the images are now links to the local folder where I downloaded the complete page.
What could be the problem?

Joplin: 2.9.17
Chrome: 109.0.5414.120
OS: Win10

Which page is it?

as said, I'm not allowed to post links.
hope it is ok to write it out like this: www dot tradingriot dot com
I could clip any article from the blog in the past. not images only get linked.

I have found that there are some sites where the Clipper has problems importing images as Resources. I have noticed that these are often WordPress sites and where the image is a hyperlink. The above WordPress site uses hyperlinks with its images to enable the user to open a larger version.

I found another WordPress site (https://www.whitehouse.gov/) and clipped it, both simplified and complete. On the first page there were two images together, one without a hyperlink and one with. They clipped like this.



I realise that it's not a solution but I thought I would share my observations for those who know how the Clipper works.


When testing the above I clipped quite a few different sites so I then used Joplin Batch Tools to find any unreferenced resources. Oddly, all the above images were in my Resources folder. So it seems that they were downloaded but not linked to.

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@ dpoulton thank you for your observation. now that you mention it: all the pages that I had clipped in the past don't use hyperlinks, but the newest blog post on that mentioned site is full of hyperlinks.

Your second observation, that all the images were downloaded as resources, is even more interesting though. Since that is the case, is it possible to reference to those downloaded resources, instead of linking to the online url?

I suppose that it may be but I did not see an easy way of determining what the Joplin unique name for the image would be because:

  1. The tool for finding / deleting unused attachments shows a file name and the image but not the URI it would have in the Resources folder (like 154a07ed78b44cbd99fd8b4d59a3ed03.png)

  2. You have to actually delete the note that has just been clipped in order to make the image an unused resource.*

I suppose you could manually trawl through the Resources folder to find the images but that would be a huge task if you have anything more than a handful of notes.


* This may not be correct. As the note does not reference the image it may actually be imported and immediately classed as unused. I have not tested this.

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