Joplin is a great tool - thanks a lot for your efforts to produce it.
I would suggest to include one additional feature to the web clipper:
At the moment the web clipper keeps the links to images / pictures and does not import the linked images / pictures. As consequence, the images / pictures get lost when the clipped web page gets offline. It would be of great benefit if you could add a feature in which the user can select to import the contents of the links in the clipped web page as well.
Not sure what you mean here. The web clipper does indeed save any image displayed on the "clipped" web page locally and nothing gets lost when displaying the note offline.
I initially thought that Joplin was doing this but then noticed that it appears that a link to the image is stored in Joplin when the page designer has also included a hyperlink to the picture. This is so that the viewer can click on the picture to display it in its own tab.
In that case you get markdown in Joplin which looks like this: